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  • why type-A2020-03-24 19:04:03

    writing When i was at high school, i considered myself definitely a Type A person, as I found myself being likely to experience,wittingly or unwittingly, nervousness or even panic after an exam, worrying about making mistakes. When it happened, stress cam

  • 云原生 - Why is istio(二)2020-02-01 10:57:24

    出处:https://cizixs.com/2018/08/26/what-is-istio 创作不易,在满足创作共用版权协议的基础上可以转载,但请以超链接形式注明出处。 前言 随着微服务架构的流行,服务网格技术获得了业界的广泛关注,作为实现云原生的重要积木,各大厂商也纷纷开始布局,Amazon在2019年4月份推出了App Mesh

  • 黄金圈法则——思维方式2019-11-20 20:53:20

    一般的大众思维,都是从做什么开始,然后如何做,最后才问为什么,从外向内思考。 乔布斯的思维方式——黄金圈法则,却直指问题核心,从为什么开始,然后是如何做,最后才是做什么,这是内向思考。 黄金圈法则——通过why-how-what的顺序,阐述你从事某项事业的动机(愿景)—方法—具体特征 WHY——最

  • 'Why' 和 'Because'2019-09-17 19:41:19

    Why 和 because 使用疑问词 why 询问原因,使用单词 because 说明原因。 A: Why did you go to Paris? 你为什么去巴黎? B: I went to Paris because it's beautiful! 我去巴黎因为她太美了! 单词 because 引出原因从句,比如 because it’s beautiful。原因从句与提出句

  • TopSort拓扑排序 邻接表 优先队列实现字典序2019-07-12 12:05:26

    //TopSort拓扑排序 邻接表 优先队列实现字典序#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<cmath>#include<cstdlib>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f#define why 100005struct no

  • why’s kafka so fast2019-06-30 08:50:34

    As we all know that Kafka is very fast, much faster than most of its competitors. So what’s the reason here? Avoid Random Disk Access Kafka writes everything onto the disk in order and consumers fetch data in order too. So disk access always works sequent

  • Javascript模块化编程之Why2019-06-27 20:47:54

    说到模块化编程,大家比较容易想到Java, C++等语言,感觉这事和Javascript沾不上一丁点边。虽说Javascript看上去好像同Java有莫大的关系,但那也只是一厢情愿,不过是挂羊头卖狗肉的伎俩。就像雷锋和雷锋塔的关系一样。实质上Javascript的主要设计原则源自Self和Scheme。大家对Javascri

  • 关于学习的一点思考2019-06-27 19:49:01

    最近发现有很多需要学习的东西,但是时间是有限的,如何更有效率的学习成了我思考的问题。Scott H Young用了12个月,通过互联网完成了四年麻省理工大学33门的计算机课程,无疑他的一些分享可以带来一些启发。 第一阶段:知识面覆盖 深入学习的第一步是对要学习的内容有个大致印象,可能需要多

  • Why I Love My Virtual PCs2019-06-21 19:54:30

    Posted by scott on 2004年2月7日 Information, tips, links, and a brief overview of Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 When Virtual PC appeared on the download list for MSDN Universal Subscribers I knew this was going to be a hit with developers. It had been about 2

  • L1-Day82019-04-25 21:42:40

    1、他就是我昨天见的那个人。 【我的翻译】He is a man who I saw him yestorday. 【标准答案】He is the man (who(m) /that) I saw yesterday. 【对比分析】the man 特指某个人,saw 后面不用再加him,因为前面有who 【解题思路】 - 内部关系:描述关系 - 句子时态:一般过去式 - 句子

  • Python: 浅析 return 和 finally 共同挖的坑2019-04-16 11:53:54

    初识 return   相信每一个用过Python函数的童鞋, 肯定会用过return语句, return顾名思义, 就是用来返回值给调用者, 例如: def test(): a = 2 return a s = test() print s # 输出结果 2 对于上面的结果, 相信大家都不会感到意外, 那么加大点难度, 如果在return

  • BSOJ1004 -- 【TYVJ1071】LCIS最长公共上升子序列2019-03-17 17:51:46

    Description   熊大妈的奶牛在小沐沐的熏陶下开始研究信息题目。小沐沐先让奶牛研究了最长上升子序列,再让他们研究了最长公共子序列,现在又让他们要研究最长公共上升子序列了。  小沐沐说,对于两个串A,B,如果它们都包含一段位置不一定连续的数字,且数字是严格递增的,那么称这一段数

  • 高效的学习方法和记忆2019-02-10 19:51:57

    今天在b站看了一个视频觉得很有道理 总结三句话 what?why?how? 这句适用于所有的工作中遇到的事情。 同样在写代码的过程中提问自己:这行代码出现在这里,为什么出现,该怎么实现它,解决它?代码的大门就开启了 突然变成中二少女哈哈!!

  • English Voice of <<Bye Bye Bye>>2019-02-05 22:51:25

    Bye Bye Bye - Lovestoned When i see you, looking back at me 当我看到你回首看我时 Watching this eye still 彼此凝视 Do your fingers and your eyes 在你的眼眸中 你是否感到我的爱 Have told thousands lights. 有无数道光芒 But i can't tell this time 但我无法了解, What

  • Why not inherit from List<T>?2019-02-01 10:52:38

    问题: When planning out my programs, I often start with a chain of thought like so: A football team is just a list of football players. Therefore, I should represent it with: var football_team = new List<FootballPlayer>(); The ordering of this list

  • The Jordan Why Not Zero.2 Performance Review is here2019-01-29 19:37:57

    Traction performed just as I had initially anticipated: they just gripped. Dust was never really a huge problem unless the floor at 24 Hour Fitness hadn’t been cleaned all week — yes, that actually happens at my 24 Hour Fitness. However, when the dust bui


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