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  • A Child's History of England.2122022-01-23 18:00:35

    He had appointed his son Richard to succeed him, and after there had been, at Somerset House in the Strand, a lying in state more splendid than sensible - as all such vanities after death are, I think - Richard became Lord Protector. He was an amiable cou

  • A Child's History of England.2102022-01-23 16:34:27

    Over and above all this, Oliver found that the Vaudois, or Protestant people of the valleys of Lucerne, were insolently [rude and not showing any respect] treated by the Catholic powers, and were even put to death for their religion, in an audacious [reck

  • A Child's History of England.2082022-01-23 15:32:11

    SECOND PART Oliver Cromwell - whom the people long called Old Noll - in accepting the office of Protector, had bound himself by a certain paper which was handed to him, called 'the Instrument [文件],' to summon a Parliament, consisting of between

  • A Child's History of England.2072022-01-23 13:33:03

    They formed a new Council of State [国事会] after this extraordinary proceeding [event], and got a new Parliament together in their own way: which Oliver himself opened in a sort of sermon [讲道], and which he said was the beginning of a perfect heaven upon e

  • A Child's History of England.2042022-01-23 11:33:35

    To gratify the Scottish Parliament, and preserve their favour, Charles had signed a declaration they laid before him, reproaching the memory [sth that is remembered] of his father and mother, and representing [describe] himself as a most religious Prince,

  • A Child's History of England.2022022-01-23 09:31:59

    CHAPTER 34 ENGLAND UNDER OLIVER CROMWELL Before sunset on the memorable day on which King Charles the First was executed, the House of Commons passed an act declaring it treason in any one to proclaim the Prince of Wales - or anybody else - King of Englan

  • A Child's History of England.1942022-01-22 11:03:04

    THIRD PART I shall not try to relate [讲述] the particulars [facts or details] of the great civil war between King Charles the First and the Long Parliament, which lasted nearly four years, and a full account [描述] of which would fill many large books. It wa

  • React页面路由2022-01-21 21:32:56

    React页面路由 前言:     随着 ajax 的使用越来越广泛,前端的页面逻辑开始变得越来越复杂,特别是单页Web应用(Single Page Web Application,SPA))的兴起,前端路由系统随之开始流行。 1、从用户的角度看,前端路由主要实现了两个功能(使用ajax更新页面状态的情况下): 记录当前页面的状

  • A Child's History of England.1922022-01-21 21:32:18

    Next day, the House of Commons send [send sth by post] into the City to let the Lord Mayor know that their privileges are invaded by the King, and that there is no safety for anybody or anything. Then, when the five members are gone out of the way [far],

  • debezium系列之:The database history couldn‘t be recovered. Consider to increase the value for database.2022-01-21 20:32:44

    debezium系列之:The database history couldn't be recovered. Consider to increase the value for database. 一、debezium报错 二、报错产生原因 三、报错解决方法 四、修改配置重启connector 一、debezium报错 The database history couldn’t be recovered. Consi

  • A Child's History of England.1912022-01-21 19:31:35

    It is not absolutely proved that the King plotted in Ireland besides, but it is very probable that he did, and that the Queen did, and that he had some wild hope of gaining the Irish people over to his side by favouring a rise among them. Whether or no, t

  • A Child's History of England.1832022-01-20 22:31:34

    Like most dishonest men, the Prince and the favourite complained that the people whom they had deluded [欺骗] were dishonest. They made such misrepresentations of the treachery of the Spaniards in this business of the Spanish match [姻缘], that the English na

  • A Child's History of England.1812022-01-20 20:35:18

    While these events were in progress, and while his Sowship was making such an exhibition of himself, from day to day and from year to year, as is not often seen in any sty [pigsty], three remarkable deaths took place in England. The first was that of the

  • vue中history模式,刷新404问题2022-01-20 11:02:59

    目录 vue设为history模式,开发环境刷新出现404 本地刷新无问题,生产环境404 vue设为history模式,开发环境刷新出现404 在webpack创建的项目中, 路由切换成history模式后,开发环境页面刷新会出现404的错误,找了很多原因,原来是本地proxy代理中,代理的地址错了,如下图修改:   本地刷新无

  • BOM属性navigator与history与location2022-01-19 22:58:00

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> <script type="text/javascript"> console.log(navigator.appName);//淘汰掉的浏览器信息监测

  • Vue路由之hash模式和history模式2022-01-19 22:32:46

    形式上:hash模式url里面永远带着#号,开发当中默认使用这个模式。如果用户考虑url的规范那么就需要使用history模式,因为history模式没有#号,是个正常的url,适合推广宣传; 功能上:比如我们在开发app的时候有分享页面,那么这个分享出去的页面就是用vue或是react做的,咱们把这个页面分享到

  • rest-framework之频率控制2022-01-19 20:31:07

    rest-framework之频率控制 一 频率简介 为了控制用户对某个url请求的频率,比如,一分钟以内,只能访问三次 二 自定义频率类,自定义频率规则 自定义的逻辑 #(1)取出访问者ip# (2)判断当前ip不在访问字典里,添加进去,并且直接返回True,表示第一次访问,在字典里,继续往下走# (3)循环判断当前ip的列表

  • h5在iOS上,回退页面,出现白屏,滑动页面,页面正常展示2022-01-19 17:03:44

    问题:h5在iOS上,回退页面,出现白屏,滑动页面,页面正常展示 scrollRestoration 描述:h5在ios上,第一个页面超过一屏,点击进入第二个页面,第二个页面滑动超过一屏时,返回第一个页面时,第一个屏幕有一块白的盖在上面,滑动页面,白屏消失,页面正常展示。这块白的是第二个页面滚动的部分,盖在第一

  • A Child's History of England.1722022-01-19 09:01:00

    Though the Spanish king had had this bitter taste of English bravery, he was so little the wiser for it, as still to entertain [willing to consider] his old designs, and even to conceive the absurd idea of placing his daughter on the English throne. But t

  • Vue 学习(九、SPA-单页面应用 与 前端路由)2022-01-18 16:33:11

    文章目录 一、前后端架构1. 服务器生成页面2. 前后端分离3. 单页面应用 - SPA 二、路由1. 服务器端路由2. 前端路由3、结语 一、前后端架构 常见的前后端架构有 服务器生成页面、前后端分离、单页面应用三种,它们有着各自的特点,可以根据实际需求选 择不同的前后端架构

  • A Child's History of England.1642022-01-18 16:01:43

    Such guilty unions seldom prosper. This husband and wife had lived together but [only] a month, when they were separated for ever by the successes of a band [group] of Scotch nobles who associated against them for the protection of the young Prince: whom

  • A Child's History of England.1642022-01-18 13:32:14

    Within a day or two, she gained her husband over, and prevailed [劝说] on the tall idiot to abandon the conspirators and fly [flee] with her to Dunbar. There, he issued a proclamation, audaciously and falsely denying that he had any knowledge of the late bl

  • A Child's History of England.1622022-01-18 13:02:29

    Divers [several] princes proposed to marry Mary, but the English court had reasons for being jealous of them all, and even proposed as a matter of policy that she should marry that very Earl of Leicester who had aspired to be the husband of Elizabeth. At

  • A Child's History of England.1602022-01-17 22:00:06

    The one great trouble of this reign, and the unfortunate cause of the greater part of such turmoil and bloodshed as occurred in it, was Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. We will try to understand, in as few words as possible, who Mary was, what she was, and ho

  • A Child's History of England.1562022-01-17 17:05:10

    It would seem that Philip, the Prince of Spain, was a main cause of this change in Elizabeth's fortunes. He was not an amiable man, being, on the contrary, proud, overbearing [专横跋扈], and gloomy; but he and the Spanish lords who came over with him, as


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