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  • A Child's History of England.872022-01-03 11:35:04

    The Black Prince was generous as well as brave, and he invited his royal prisoner to supper in his tent, and waited upon him at table, and, when they afterwards rode into London in a gorgeous procession, mounted the French King on a fine cream-coloured ho

  • A Child's History of England.862022-01-03 11:03:44

    The French King, Philip, was now dead, and was succeeded by his son John. The Black Prince, called by that name from the colour of the armour he wore to set off [通过对比使...更有吸引力] his fair complexion, continuing to burn and destroy in France, roused Jo

  • Browser浏览器对象知识总结2022-01-03 10:05:17

    1. history对象 // 加载history列表的前一个url history.back() // 加载history列表的下一个url history.forward() // 加载history列表中的指定页面 num的值可为正负 history.go(num) 2. Navigator对象 // 查看客户端user-agent头部信息 navigator.userAgent 3. locatio

  • A Child's History of England.842022-01-03 08:31:31

    'Is my son killed?' said the King. 'No, sire, please God,' returned the messenger. 'Is he wounded?' said the King. 'No, sire.' 'Is he thrown to the ground?' said the King. 'No, sire, not so; but, he i

  • vue 路由面试题2022-01-02 21:00:46

    10. vue-router怎么重定向页面? 路由中配置 redirect 属性 【ri ːdə ai k t】 11. 说说你对router-link的了解 用于跳转路由, 类似于a标签, 它一般也会渲染成a标签, 但是可以通过tag来【变更】【渲染的元素】, 通过to来跳转 12. vue-router怎么配置404页面? const router = ne

  • A Child's History of England.782022-01-02 09:03:35

    The King, with his two favourites, fled to Bristol, where he left old Despenser in charge of the town and castle, while he went on with the son to Wales. The Bristol men being opposed to the King, and it being impossible to hold the town with enemies ever

  • A Child's History of England.792022-01-02 09:02:34

    I wish I could close his history by saying that he lived a harmless life in the Castle and the Castle gardens at Kenilworth, many years - that he had a favourite, and plenty to eat and drink - and, having that, wanted nothing. But he was shamefully humili

  • 保存重要,未完的工作空间2022-01-01 15:33:44

    save.image("hello.RData") 保存整个工作空间到文件,加载方式: 下次打开默认工作目录时如果有.RData文件时会自动加载 通过load() 读取工作空间   #save 是可以选择些变量保存到文件,如save(numbers_1, file = "hello1.RData")    保存重要的历史命令,方便整理: Rstudio右上角

  • A Child's History of England.752022-01-01 11:04:42

    Now, it was agreed with Gaveston that he should be taken to the Castle of Wallingford, and there kept in honourable custody. They travelled as far as Dedington, near Banbury, where, in the Castle of that place, they stopped for a night to rest. Whether th

  • A Child's History of England.742022-01-01 09:35:13

    The Barons were so unceremonious [不客气] with the King in giving [cause] him to understand that they would not bear this favourite, that the King was obliged to send him out of the country. The favourite himself was made to take an oath (more oaths!) that h

  • A Child's History of England.732021-12-31 09:05:26

    CHAPTER 17 ENGLAND UNDER EDWARD THE SECOND King Edward the Second, the first Prince of Wales, was twenty-three years old when his father died. There was a certain favourite of his, a young man from Gascony, named Piers Gaveston, of whom his father had so

  • A Child's History of England.712021-12-30 23:33:23

    Who betrayed William Wallace in the end, is not quite certain. That he was betrayed - probably by an attendant [侍从] - is too true. He was taken to the Castle of Dumbarton, under Sir John Menteith, and thence [从那里] to London, where the great fame of his b

  • hash和history的区别2021-12-29 16:34:10

    history与hash 功能一致底层实现不一样 window.history.pushState(state,title,url) //state:需要保存的数据,这个数据在触发popstate事件时,可以在event.state里获取 //title:标题,基本没用,一般传null //url:设定新的历史纪录的url。新的url与当前url的origin必须是一样的,否则会抛

  • A Child's History of England.682021-12-28 22:34:02

    King Edward being much renowned [获得声誉] for his sagacity [wisdom] and justice, it seems to have been agreed to refer [交给...处理] the dispute to him. He accepted the trust, and went, with an army, to the Border-land where England and Scotland joined. Ther

  • A Child's History of England.672021-12-27 08:33:01

    Out of bad things, good things sometimes arise. Out of this hanging of the innocent merchant, and the bloodshed and strife [冲突] it caused, there came to be established one of the greatest powers that the English people now possess. The preparations for th

  • A Child's History of England.642021-12-25 11:36:22

    To dismiss this sad subject of the Jews for the present, I am sorry to add that in this reign they were most unmercifully pillaged [掠夺]. They were hanged in great numbers, on accusations of having clipped the King's coin - which all kinds of people h

  • history命令记录操作时间、操作用户、操作IP2021-12-23 20:35:57

    优化历史命令 history 显示格式 ]# cat /etc/profile ... export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S " USER_IP=`who -u am i 2>/dev/null| awk '{print $NF}'|sed -e 's/[()]//g'` export HISTTIMEFORMAT="[%F %T][`whoami`][${USER_IP}] &quo

  • Vue3迁移笔记(持续更新2021/12/23)2021-12-23 16:33:45

    一、Vue router4.x ①创建路由 Vue2使用的是router3.x的API,换成Vue 3 需要用router4.x的API 3.x import Vue from 'vue' import Router from 'vue-router' Vue.use(Router) export const constantRoutes = [...] const createNewRouter = () => new Router({ base:

  • JS:window-screen、window-location、window-history2021-12-23 14:05:12

    window-screen <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>window-screen</title> </head> <body> <script> // 本人屏幕分辨率 1920 * 1080

  • vue中监听页面,禁止点击浏览器返回按钮返回2021-12-23 09:59:02

    mounted () {     if (window.history && window.history.pushState) {         // 向历史记录中插入了当前页         history.pushState(null, null, document.URL);         window.addEventListener('popstate', this.goBack, false);     } }, destroyed (

  • 说一下 vue-router 的原理是什么?2021-12-20 16:04:11

    实现原理:vue-router 的原理就是更新视图而不重新请求页面 vue-router 可以通过 mode 参数设置为三种模式:hash 模式、history 模式、abstract 模式。 hash 模式。默认是 hash 模式,基于浏览器 history api,使用 window.addEventListener("hashchange", callback, false) 对浏览进

  • A Child's History of England.602021-12-20 08:31:42

    It would require a great deal of writing on my part, and a great deal of reading on yours, to follow the King through his disputes with the Barons, and to follow the Barons through their disputes with one another - so I will make short work of it for both

  • 权限维持之:SID History 域控权限维持2021-12-18 18:35:00

    目录1 SID 作用2 利用 SID History 操作过程3 SID History 权限维持的防御 1 SID 作用 ​ 每个用户都有自己的SID,SID的作用主要是跟踪安全主体控制用户连接资源时的访问权限,SID History是在域迁移过程中需要使用的一个属性。 ​ 如果A域中的域用户迁移到B域中,那么该用户的SID值就

  • vue项目双路由模式的多环境打包配置2021-12-18 10:01:47

    最近的项目需要配置双路由模式的多环境打包,在每个环境下直接执行命令行即可,无需每次打包前再去修改变量。 本次使用的vue-cli4,history模式下需要打包到content目录下,且访问路径要携带content/,hash模式直接是根路径。需要打包测试环境(history模式 + hash模式)和正式环境(history

  • 在React中使用 react-router-dom 编程式路由导航的正确姿势【含V5.x、V6.x】2021-12-18 10:01:00

    ## react-router-dom 编程式路由导航 (v5) ###### 1.push跳转+携带params参数 ```jsx props.history.push(`/b/child1/${id}/${title}`);``` ###### 2.push跳转+携带search参数 ```jsxprops.history.push(`/b/child1?id=${id}&title=${title}`);``` ###### 3.push跳转+携带state参


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