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  • ROS 学习笔记(11)—— tf 坐标系广播与监听的编程实现2022-02-04 17:33:47

    tf 坐标系广播与监听的编程实现 步骤一:创建新的功能包步骤二:编写 cpp 代码步骤三:配置 CMakeLists.txt 的编译规则步骤四:编译并运行 步骤一:创建新的功能包 回到/catkin_ws/src文件夹下,创建一个新的功能包,名为learning_tf: catkin_create_pkg learning_tf roscpp rospy tf

  • [Javascript] Broadcaster + Operator + Listener pattern -- 26. Share the Same Broadcaster Values Acro2020-12-10 17:01:25

    To build out our word game, we will have to be able to share the word across a few places. This means we have to set up a broadcaster that will push the same values to multiple listeners instead of different values each time a listener is added. We will d

  • [React] Broadcaster + Operator + Listener pattern -- 20. useBroadcaster & useListener Example2020-11-19 02:01:50

    To display a sequence of values in React, we can use our mapSequence operator, wrap it around a broadcaster, then pass that new broadcaster into our useBroadcaster we defined. This will demonstrate that any broadcaster we've defined before should wor

  • [Javascript] Broadcaster + Operator + Listener pattern -- 18. Create a Win Condition with a mapDone2020-11-17 03:00:56

    Many streams of events end when a certain condition is met. When we run into that condition, we'll want to pass down our own custom values. This lessons walks through adding a done condition to hangman and how we can use new operators to control what

  • [Javascript] Broadcaster + Operator + Listener pattern -- 12. Repeat a broadcaster that is DONE2020-11-03 02:04:29

    After a broadcaster is "done", starting it up again requires calling the broadcaster with the same listener. This creates a kind of "async recursion" where you pass the listener back into the broadcaster each time you set it up. This l

  • [Functional Programming] Counter example2020-10-29 02:01:46

    document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = ` <h1>Hello Parcel!</h1> <div> <button id="plus">+</button> <button id="mius">-</button> </div> `; const addListener = (selec

  • 广播2019-07-25 20:05:15

    广播类型: 全局:其它APP可以收到(可以说是;public) 本地:只有自己APP收到(可以说是:private) 广播机制: 无序:接收端不可修改,不可拦截 有序:接收端:可修改,可拦截 一、本地广播: 广播定义: public class Broadcaster { private static Broadcaster sInstance; private Context mContex

  • ROS tf广播编写2019-05-04 22:53:41

    博客参考:https://www.ncnynl.com/archives/201702/1310.html ROS与C++入门教程-tf-编写tf broadcaster(广播) 说明: 介绍如何广播机器人的坐标系到tf。 准备: 在我们开始之前,你需要为这个项目创建一个新的ros包。 创建一个名为learning_tf的软件包,该软件包依赖于tf,roscpp,rospy和turt

  • [ROS] Chinese MOOC || Chapter-8.1 tf介绍:tf tree 8.2 tf消息 8.3 tf in2019-05-04 08:50:07

      tf:coordinate transform urdf:ros 机器人属性描述的规范                 tf树必须是连通的       如果没有人来维护两个frame之间的联系(一个发送消息的node,or called broadcaster),就会断掉 broadcaster就一个是publisher tf树是整个消息的反映 tf树就是把tf这个t


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