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  • 单词笔记042020-12-07 23:34:35

    关键词 peer n. 同龄人;同等地位的人 v. 仔细地看;费力地看 拓展 divide A by B A/B vulnerable adj. 脆弱的 valid adj. 有用的 in search of 寻找 ### intricate adj. 复杂的;错综的,缠结的 词根词缀 tri- 三的意思,in tri cate 三也可以指多的意思,里面有很多东西纠缠在一起,可想而

  • 学习日志2020-12-07 22:05:50

    【刷题记录】 写在前面本系列文章仅是对个人学习的记录,如有错误望大家谅解,给予指正 【CET4】 试卷 一、生词 1.commercial n.商业广告adj.商业的,商务的=advertisement n. 2.occupation n.工作;职业;消遣;占领=period of time take up an occupation 就业 3.maintain v. 维持, 保

  • 必备(20)2020-11-26 15:56:50

    abuse [əˈbjuːz] n. 滥用;妄用 【频次 1】 e.g. What she did was an abuse of her position as manager. 她的所作所为是滥用经理职权。 e.g. abuses of power 权力滥用 interpret [ɪnˈtɜːprət] vt. 解读,诠释 【频次 3】 e.g. The students were asked to interpret the

  • [APIO 2013] 道路费用(暴力 + 最小生成树 + 优化)| 错题本2020-11-26 12:57:36

    文章目录 题目分析代码 题目 [APIO 2013] 道路费用 分析 首先考虑暴力: 2 K 2^K 2K 枚举哪些边在最终的最小生成树里面,把和这些边冲突

  • 必备(4)2020-11-24 13:01:23

    employment [ɪm'plɔɪmənt] 【频次 14】 n. 职业 【频次 6】 part-time employment 兼职 full-time employment 全职 an employment agency 职业介绍所 e.g. He is out of employment. 他失业了。 n. 就业 【频次 8】 full employment 完全就业 the employment rate 就业率 e

  • 六级考研单词之路-六2020-11-23 13:30:52

    title: 六级考研单词之路-六 date: 2020-11-23 10:51:53 tags: 六级考研单词之路 Day06 1.modest[adj.谦虚的,不多的,适度的] eg: She’s very modest about her success.     她对自己的成就很谦虚。 2.music[n.音乐,乐曲] eg: This music is very smooth.    

  • 漫画:深度优先遍历 和 广度优先遍历2020-11-13 10:52:54

    漫画:深度优先遍历 和 广度优先遍历 ————— 第二天 ————— ———————————— 什么是 深度/广度 优先遍历? 深度优先遍历简称DFS(Depth First Search),广度优先遍历简称BFS(Breadth First Search),它们是遍历图当中所有顶点的两种方式。 这两种遍历方式有什么不同呢?我

  • LeetCode 310 - Minimum Height Trees (Medium)2020-11-05 03:31:44

    A tree is an undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by exactly one path. In other words, any connected graph without simple cycles is a tree. Given a tree of n nodes labelled from 0 to n - 1, and an array of n - 1 edges where edg

  • 四级作文---1-42020-08-30 05:00:38

    一、十大真题范文之一:2013 年 6 月第一套:教育文化:教育 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of reading liter

  • CET4词汇篇(2)2020-08-19 15:05:08

    CET词汇篇(minus~solve) minus minus : 'n.负数、减号、adj.负的、prep.减(去)'; prep => [介词] (preposition) explain => https://baike.baidu.com/item/介词/1254?fr=aladdin statistic statistic : 'n.统计数值、统计资料、统计学'; pregnant pregnant : 'adj.怀孕的、妊娠

  • 202008172020-08-17 18:01:03

    NEUROSCIENCE Pinpoint brain stimulation probes perception Trigering a handful of neurons in a mouse brain may conjure a visual experience trigger n./v. a handful of spark n./v. crude adj. crude oil optogenetics n. visual cortex zap v. pattern n. interna

  • 202008152020-08-15 13:00:17

    CLeaning the air - How many okants do you need to purify the air in a small flat? purify v. VERB If you purify a substance, you make it pure by removing any harmful, dirty, or inferior substances from it. botanist n. N-COUNT A botanist is a scientist w

  • I Show - 中西文化差异1 Teacher: Ginny2020-08-07 08:33:17

    课上内容(Lesson)   You are so man!   manly你好有男人味!When Gabi heard it, he would say: Of course I am a man!   You are so fashion.  fashionable你好时尚哦!When Taylor heard it, she would say: Do you mean fashionable?   He is low.    tasteless他太低级

  • 英语词根词缀总结整合版2020-07-30 11:36:14


  • 2020年6月28日2020-06-28 13:53:01

    abandon vt 及物动词.离弃;放弃,抛弃 The captain gave the order to abandon ship. captaion:船长 order:命令 ship:船 abroad adv 副词.到国外;到处 The pitfalls of working abroad are numerous. pitfalls:陷阱/诱惑 working:工作 numerous:许多的 ability n 名词

  • 202006032020-06-03 18:53:14

    benevolent adj. ADJ-GRADED If you describe a person in authority as benevolent, you mean that they are kind and fair. ADJ Benevolent is used in the names of some organizations that give money and help people who need it. motif n. N-COUNT A motif is a d

  • 202006012020-06-01 19:52:32

    instantaneous adj./adv. ADJ-GRADED Something that is instantaneous happens immediately and very quickly. dialect n. N-COUNT A dialect is a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area. clam n./vi. N-COUNT Clams are a kind of shellfish which

  • 第十二周学习2020-05-24 13:53:59

    ` 图的顺序存储结构C语言实现 #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_VERtEX_NUM 20 //顶点的最大个数 #define VRType int //表示顶点之间的关系的变量类型 #define InfoType char //存储弧或者边额外信息的指针变量

  • Vocabulary Recitation 2020/05/212020-05-21 18:58:59

    relinquish vt. VERB If you relinquish something such as power or control, you give it up. intergalactic adj. ADJ Intergalatic space travel is travel between different galaxies. guarantee n./vt. VERB If one thing guarantees another, the first is certa

  • Vocabulary Recitation 2020/05/112020-05-11 10:04:58

    assassin n. N-COUNT An assassin is a person who assassinates someone. maim vt./n. VERB To maim someone means to injure them so badly that part of their body is permanently damaged. contrite adj. ADJ-GRADED If you are contrite, you are very sorry beca

  • Vocabulary Recitation 2020/05/082020-05-08 11:51:18

    choice adj./n. N-COUNT If there is a choice of things, there are several of them and you can choose the one you want. N-COUNT Your choice is someone or something that you choose from a range of things. ADJ-GRADED Choice mean of very high of quality. PHAR

  • Vocabulary Recitation 2020/05/052020-05-05 18:55:33

    solvent n./adj. ADJ If a person or a company is solvent,they have enough money to pay all their debts. N-MASS A solvent is a liquid thay can dissolve other substances. antique adj./n. N-COUNT An antique is an old object such as a piece of china or furn

  • 图论-图的存储方式2020-05-01 14:03:10

    图的存储方式: 1,数组表示法: 用两个数组来存储图的信息 顶点表:记录各个顶点信息的 邻接矩阵:表示各个顶点之间的关系(有关为1,无关为0) 注:无向图的邻接矩阵是对称的,有向图的邻接矩阵可能是不对称的。 无向图的邻接矩阵 结点i的度=邻接矩阵中第i行或第i列之和 存储压缩:上三角矩阵或下

  • Vocabulary Recitation 2020/04/272020-04-27 23:56:38

    abstruse adj. fetter n./vt. abacus n. fowl n./v. abridge vt. centigrade adj. abhorrent adj. significant adj./n. impart vt. predominantly adv. disastrous adj. obscene adj. malevolent adj. benevolent adj. symmetry n. abstruse adj. cryptic adj. gist n.

  • GCN论文源码(pytorch)超级详细注释讲解!2020-04-26 17:41:21

    本文参考了这篇文章:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_36474809/article/details/89379727侵删 这篇文章的代码非常经典,很值得学习,如有错误请指正 utils.py import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp import torch ''' 先将所有由字符串表示的标签数组用set保存,set的重要


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