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Vocabulary Recitation 2020/05/21

2020-05-21 18:58:59  阅读:311  来源: 互联网

标签:someone 21 thing Recitation VERB 2020 something they ADJ

relinquish vt.

  1. VERB If you relinquish something such as power or control, you give it up.

intergalactic adj.

  1. ADJ Intergalatic space travel is travel between different galaxies.

guarantee n./vt.

  1. VERB If one thing guarantees another, the first is certain to cause the second thing to happen.
  2. N-COUNT Something that is a guarantee of something else makes it certain that it will happen or that it is true.
  3. VERB If you guarantee something, you promise that it will definitely happen, or that you will do or provide it for someone.

necrosis n.

  1. N-UNCOUNT Necrosis is the death of part of someone's body, for example because it is not getting enough blood.

infallible adj.

  1. ADJ If a person or thing is infallible, they are never wrong.

beguile v.

  1. VERB If something beguiles you, you are charmed and attracted by it.
  2. VERB If someone beguiles you into doing something, they trick you into doing it.

culpable adj.

  1. ADJ-GRADED If someone or their conduct is culpable, they are responsible for something wrong or bad that has happened.

paleoanthropologist n.

irrepressible adj.

  1. ADJ-GRADED An irrepressible person is lively and energetic and never seems to be depressed.

disparage vt.

  1. VERB If you disparage someone or something, you speak about them in a way which shows that you do not have a good opinion of them.

glamor n.

glamour n.

  1. N_UNCOUNT Glamour is the quality of being more attractive, exciting, or interesting than ordinary people or things.

deprecate v.

  1. VERB If you deprecate something, you criticize it.

encroach vi.

  1. VERB If one thing encroaches on another, the first thing spreads or becomes stronger, and slowly begins to restrict the power, range, or effectibeness of the second thing.
  2. VERB If something encroaches on a place, it spreads and takes over more and more of that place.

jeopardy n.

  1. PHARSE If someone or something is in jeopardy, they are in a dangerous situation where they might fail, be lost, or be destroyed.

impromptu adj./adv.

  1. ADJ An impromptu action is one that you do without planning or organizing it in advance.

moron n.

  1. N-COUNT If you refer to someone as a moron, you think that they are very stupid.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaoheng2020/p/12932631.html

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