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  • linux – 在fasta文件中选择序列超过300 aa,“C”至少出现4次2019-08-28 02:50:21

    我有一个包含蛋白质序列的fasta文件.我想选择超过300个氨基酸的序列,半胱氨酸(C)氨基酸出现超过4次. 我用这个命令来选择超过300 aa的序列: cat 72hDOWN-fasta.fasta | bioawk -c fastx 'length($seq) > 300{ print ">"$name; print $seq }' 一些序列示例: >jgi|Triasp1|21661

  • UVA - 1608 Non-boring sequences2019-08-22 16:02:14

    We were afraid of making this problem statement too boring, so we decided to keep it short. A sequence is called non-boring if its every connected subsequence contains a unique element, i.e. an element such that no other element of that subsequence has

  • Jzzhu and Sequences2019-08-13 09:00:53

    Jzzhu and Sequences Jzzhu has invented a kind of sequences, they meet the following property: f1=x,f2=y;对任意i>=2,fi=f(i-1)+f(i-2); You are given x and y, please calculate fn modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7). Input The first line contains two integers x and

  • php – 解密系列 – 找到连续整数序列的数量,使得它们的和为零2019-07-28 14:31:38

    以下是编程任务. 您将获得一系列N个整数.任务是找到连续的整数序列的数量,使得它们的和为零. 例如,如果序列是: 2,-2,6,-6,8有3个这样的序列: >’2,-2′>’6,-6′>’2,-2,6,-6′ 我已经有了用PHP编写的以下程序,它读取STDIN的输入(第一行包含后面的整数数.) <?php $n = fgets(STDIN

  • c – 从有序的字符序列递归生成有序子串?2019-07-26 23:16:24

    得到答案后编辑 这里有一些很好的答案我喜欢Josh,因为它非常聪明并使用C语言.但是我决定接受Dave的答案,因为它的简单性和递归性.我对它们进行了测试,它们都产生了相同的正确结果(尽管顺序不同).再次感谢大家. 假设我有一个字符串s chars s [0]:s [N]并且每个char s [i]< = s [i 1]

  • python – 这是一个非序列?2019-07-13 17:58:22

    我正在运行列表理解数字列表作为字符串,所以例如列表看起来像这样 vals = ['0.13', '324', '0.23432'] 并尝试这样的列表理解: best = [x for x in vals > 0.02] 我得到一个TypeError:迭代非序列. 列表不是一个应该是您应该能够迭代的第一个序列吗?什么是序列? 我找到的基本问题很

  • poj19532019-07-10 14:51:49

    1.链接地址  https://vjudge.net/problem/POJ-1953 2.问题描述  Given a positive integer n, determine the number of different chanting patterns of this length, i.e., determine the number of n-bit sequences that contain no adjacent 1's. For example, for n = 3 the

  • c# – 增长的固定容量通用序列的最佳选择2019-06-22 13:55:54

    我正在尝试在我的.NET缓存中保留一个内存中的条目列表,表示我的应用程序的最后N个HTTP请求.什么是最好的.NET序列用于此? 要求 >固定数量的物品(例如50) > Serializable(需要向.NET缓存添加序列)>当我尝试添加最多1个条目时,它会自动删除最旧的项目以腾出空间>不要真正关心物品的顺

  • RxJava & RxAndroid 调研2019-06-21 19:00:18

    可以做的事情: It extends the observer pattern to support sequences of data/events and adds operators that allow you to compose sequences together declaratively while abstracting away concerns about things like low-level threading, synchronization, thread-safety

  • Python中列表项的通用反转2019-06-10 12:47:25

    >>> b=[('spam',0), ('eggs',1)] >>> [reversed(x) for x in b] [<reversed object at 0x7fbf07de7090>, <reversed object at 0x7fbf07de70d0>] 游民.我希望得到一个反转元组列表! 当然,我可以这样做: >>> [tuple(reversed(x)) for x

  • LSTM函数详解2019-03-25 19:54:03

    LSTM层 keras.layers.recurrent.LSTM(units, activation='tanh', recurrent_activation='hard_sigmoid', use_bias=True, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', recurrent_initializer='orthogonal', bias_initializer='zeros&#

  • keras 文本分类 LSTM2019-03-24 16:49:53

    首先,对需要导入的库进行导入,读入数据后,用jieba来进行中文分词 # encoding: utf-8#载入接下来分析用的库import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport xgboost as xgbfrom tqdm import tqdmfrom sklearn.svm import SVCfrom keras.models import Sequentialfrom keras.layers.recu

  • 1139C C. Edgy Trees2019-03-22 22:54:54

    You are given a tree (a connected undirected graph without cycles) of n vertices. Each of the n−1 edges of the tree is colored in either black or red. You are also given an integer k. Consider sequences of k vertices. Let’s call a sequence [a1,a2,…,ak]

  • 求最长公共子序列-DP问题2019-03-18 11:42:17

    Longest common subsequence problem The longest common subsequence (LCS) problem is the problem of finding the longest subsequence common to all sequences in a set of sequences (often just two sequences). It differs from the longest common substring proble

  • CF264B Good Sequences2019-02-03 19:00:08

      传送门 Description: 松鼠丽丝特别喜欢n个她称之为“好整数”的整数:a1,a2,……,an。(会输入) 现在,她对“好序列”很感兴趣。如果一个序列x1,x2,...,xk能够满足一下三个条件,那就是一个“好序列”: 1.该序列是严格上升的,即x[i] < x[i+1](1<=i<=k-1) 2.任意两个相邻的元素是非互质


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