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[原创]Matlab 之按位操作

2019-09-03 20:04:06  阅读:585  来源: 互联网

标签:位操作 原创 bitshift bitand 按位 Matlab integer bits

在硬件语言 Verilog 中按位操作是相对容易的,在C语言中一样的用好逻辑符号 “|”、“!”、“&”、“>>” 等即可。但是在 Matlab 中一些类似的操作是判断或者逻辑用法,不能用在按位操作上。那么在其中就需要用到函数来进行操作了。

在此记录两种按位操作的方法:按位左右移 bitshift,按位与 bitand

按位左右移 bitshift

C = bitshift(A,K) returns the value of A shifted to the left by K bits, 
    where A is a signed or unsigned integer array. Shifting by K bits
    is the same as multiplication by 2^K. Negative values of K are allowed 
    and this corresponds to shifting to the right, or dividing by 2^ABS(K) 
    and rounding to the nearest integer towards negative infinity. If the 
    shift causes C to overflow the number of bits in the integer class of A, 
    then the overflowing bits are dropped.
    If A is a double array, then all elements must be non-negative integers
    less than or equal to intmax('uint64'), and bitshift 
    drops any bits overflowing 64 bits.

其中K为正表示向左移,K 为负值表示向右移;示例如下有:

>> bitshift(5,1)

ans =


>> bitshift(5,-1)

ans =


按位与 bitand

C = bitand(A,B) returns the bitwise AND of arguments A and B, 
    where A and B are signed or unsigned integer arrays. If A and B are
    double arrays, then they must contain non-negative integer elements
    less than or equal to intmax('uint64').


>> bitand(5,4)

ans =


>> bitand(5,15)

ans =



See also 
*bitor*, *bitxor*, *bitcmp*, *bitshift*, *bitset*, *bitget*, *intmax*.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/airbird/p/11455187.html

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