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  • shell命令之---sed2019-06-11 10:00:33

    1. sed编辑器基础   1.1 替换标记     命令格式:s/pattern/replacement/flags     $ cat data4.txt    This is a test of the test script.    This is the second test of the test script.    有4种可用的替换标记:       数字,表明新文本将替换第几

  • Matlab学习笔记2019-06-06 21:39:21

    一. Matlab概述 MATLAB(矩阵实验室)是数字计算,可视化和编程的第四代高级编程语言和交互式环境。MATLAB是由MathWorks开发的。 它允许矩阵操纵,绘制功能和数据; 实现算法; 创建用户界面; 与其他语言编写的程序(包括C语言,C++,Java和FORTRAN)进行交互; 分析数据; 开发算法; 并创建模型和

  • this application was created using the trial version of the xtrareports 解决方法2019-03-19 11:49:07

    XtraReport3 xtraReport = new XtraReport3();var mlc = sp.tiaoma.ToList();xtraReport.DataSource = mlc;ReportPrintTool tool = new ReportPrintTool(xtraReport); //操作要显示什么按钮tool.PrintingSystem.SetCommandVisibility(new PrintingSystemCommand[]{PrintingSystem


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