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  • TotalCommander显示文件包含文件名扩展2021-06-29 15:54:30

    title author date CreateTime categories Total Commander 显示文件包含文件名扩展 lindexi 2019-5-21 11:37:6 +0800 2019-04-19 09:28:41 +0800 TotalCommander 软件 在默认的 Total Commander 是分开文件名和文件扩展,如果想要让文件名同时显示扩展,可以通过设置合并

  • how-to-connect-to-aws-ec2-instance-using-mobaxterm2021-06-27 15:30:43

    STEP #1: DOWNLOAD MOBAXTERM Download and install MobaXTerm from official MobaXTerm site for Windows 10. STEP #2: HOW TO CONNECT TO AWS EC2 INSTANCE USING MOBAXTERM Once Installed open the mobaxterm, Go to Sessions Menu , click on New Session as shown bel

  • 5W1H聊开源之Who和How——谁、如何参与开源?2021-06-25 14:01:41

    上次Who的主体是谁“发明”了开源,这一次主体转换,来看看开源发明之后,还有哪些人为开源做贡献?作为普通程序员的我们,又能以怎样的形式参与到开源项目中? 很多人都以为参与开源是一件很高门槛的事情,必须要通过代码贡献才算是开源项目的参与者或贡献者,其实这是一个很大的理解误区。一个

  • How to quickly check installed software versions2021-06-25 11:33:48

    How to quickly check installed software versions Posted on March 31, 2020by Adam the 32-bit Aardvark There are situations where you need to check whether you or your users have certain software installed, and what is its version. You may want to chec

  • How can I show the table structure in SQL Server query?2021-06-21 11:03:21

    How can I show the table structure in SQL Server query? 回答1 For SQL Server, if using a newer version, you can use select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='tableName' There are different ways to get the schema. Using ADO.NET,

  • 英语入门班第十八课-③疑问词作主语2021-06-20 13:34:19

    目录 一、"Which+名词"作主语 二、"Whose+名词"作主语 三、"How many+名词复数”和"How much+不可数名词"作主语 四、Who(谁)作主语 五、What作主语 六、今日作业 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 疑问词作主语的时候,不需要倒装

  • 英语入门班第十八课-②特殊疑问句 whose、when、whom、which、how 的用法2021-06-20 13:01:36

    目录 四、whose(谁的) (1)、作定语 (2)、作表语 五、when (什么时候) (1)、作时间状语 (2)、作表语 六、whom (谁) 七、which (哪一个) 八、how(如何,怎么样) (1)、作表语 (2)、作方式状语 (3)、How的复合疑问词 1、how long多久,多长 2、how far 多远 3、how much/many 4、how oft

  • how to solve gpg key error for archlinuxcn2021-06-14 03:02:01

    google-chrome-91.0.4472.101-1-x86_64 85.6 MiB 34.2 MiB/s 00:03 [##################################################################] 100% qv2ray-dev-git-

  • XAF 自定义用户与角色的例子2021-06-13 19:06:11

    1、How to: Implement a Custom Security System User Based on an Existing Business Class 2、How to: Use Custom Logon Parameters and Authentication 3、How to: Implement Custom Security Objects (Users, Roles, Operation Permissions)     10、How to implement the

  • 英语【0002】2021-06-11 12:04:50

    1.You have noidea how I felt when I had to drift about a strange city the whole day not knowing if I could find a relatively permanent place to stay. 2、Suddenly the men heard a great noise, and looked up. Their horses were fighting. The two men rushed up

  • What is Context? How is it used?(什么是上下文,如何去使用?)2021-06-10 21:03:27

    Context代表了当前应用的状态,可以用于获取应用的资源 Context分为两种 Application ContentActivity Context 两者分别为Application和Activity提供,生命周期是不同的,比如使用单例模式需要context,使用Application Context,生命周期为整个应用。使用Activity Context会导致内存

  • redis持久化2021-06-07 10:33:16

    redis持久化 why 宕机后数据恢复 how rdb redis.conf aof redis.conf

  • jQuery.trim()方法2021-06-03 14:02:07

    $.trim()方法作用是删除一个字符串的开头和结尾的空白(包括换行、空格等等)。<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"><pre id="original">   <pre id="trimmed">结果:使用方法:$.trim("    hello, how are you?    ");结果:"hello, h

  • 安装JuliaPro 并配置VS code(How to)2021-06-01 17:02:38

    学习Julia,建议下载JuliaPro,这个安装包邮700Mb左右,里面包含了常用的包,不用自己下载了。 1. JuliaPro下载 https://juliacomputing.com/products 参考资料:https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vscode 2. 我的默认安装路径,在C盘 3. 设置JuliaPro的库默认路径 Pkg.in

  • 研究生学术英语写作网课答案2021-06-01 11:02:10

    Part I Reading Skills of Academic English Unit One:(1)Global Reading: Hacking Drones--作业 D、B、B、D、B Unit One:(2)Academic Focus: Syntactic Features of Academic English--作业 C、A、C、C、B Unit One:(3)Outward Bound: How to Make a Presentation--作业 D、A

  • How far away ? HDU2021-05-30 18:01:20

    LCA应用求最短路 #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; const int N=40005; int T,n,m,ans,tot; struct node{ int to,next,w; }edge[N<<1]; int head[N],dep[N]; int f[N][30],dis[N][30]; void init(){ tot=0;

  • How to install golang to Ubuntu 20.042021-05-30 14:33:07

    Download wget -c https://golang.org/dl/go1.16.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local Or sudo tar -C /usr/local/ -xzf go1.16.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz Configuration Add the go_path variable to the configuration file sudo tee /etc/profile.d/go

  • How to Analyze SQL Execution Plan Graphical Components2021-05-28 14:04:38

    Table of contents SQL Server Execution Plans Overview SQL Server Execution Plans Types How to Analyze SQL Execution Plan Graphical Components SQL Server Execution Plans Operators – Part 1 SQL Server Execution Plans Operators – Part 2 SQL Serv

  • Spring4All社区正式招募Spring Guides翻译小分队~2021-05-28 10:55:22

         随着微服务的流行,Spring Boot/Cloud的崛起,Spring Source几乎再一次要成为Java的代名词。那么我们如何才能快速的学习和入门Spring呢?除了很多国内高手编写的一些教程之外,有没有更为官方的指导呢?实际上,在Spring官方网站中是有非常优秀的教程页面的:https://spring.io/guides。

  • How to use GM Tech2 scanner to turn off seatbelt alarm, program DDM, add modules2021-05-26 17:01:51

    Beginner’s guide on using GM Tech2 scan tool on SAAB Recently, we have quite a few future-buyers asking about GM Tech2 scan tool. Here obd2tool would like to share a simple guide for SAAB with pictures for GM Tech2 beginners. To use the scanner on SAAB,

  • Matlab设计多个输入层的深度学习模型2021-05-23 16:31:45

    matlab给出了很多例子是使用一个输入的, deep network designer app 可以很方便地实现这个功能. 但是最近需要做一个多输入的模型, 在设计好后matlab会提示只支持一个输入层. 这里放一些matlab设计多个输入层的深度模型资料, 大意是使用imageInputer layer曲线救国. 目前还没

  • 问题的分析与解决(培训总结)2021-05-23 07:01:54


  • how to use TensorFlow?2021-05-20 23:07:52

    what is TensorFlow Tensors, in general, are simply arrays of numbers, or functions, that transform according to certain rules under a change of coordinates. TensorFlow is an open source software library for doing graph-based computations quickly. It doe

  • How to delete specific nodes from an XElement?2021-05-11 19:34:11

    How to delete specific nodes from an XElement? You can try this approach: var nodes = xRelation.Elements().Where(x => x.Element("Conditions") != null).ToList(); foreach(var node in nodes) node.Remove(); Basic idea: you can't delet

  • Jenkins发送邮件 How to let a html with JavaScript can display in Outlook?2021-05-06 17:35:40

    I encounter a problem like this: As you know, we config html format email in Jenkins. I need to insert several images in the HTML.But I am sure about how many images there will be, as it is determined by the actual situation.   So , i write a For Loop usi


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