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  • autumn2022-02-03 09:00:38

    Autumn, also known as Fall in American English, is one of the four temperate [温带的] seasons. Outside the tropics, autumn marks the transition from summer to winter, in September (Northern Hemisphere) or March (Southern Hemisphere), when the duration of day

  • Our story begins~2021-01-08 23:35:10

      不知道为什么又开始想要一个博客了。   有时候会觉得2021是一个历史性的时刻。2020我们获得的太多,也失去的太多;人类获得了太多,也失去了太多。有时候也会有一种特殊的跳脱感,跳出这个条框的社会,跳出这些自认为聪明的动物的群体去看问题;就会觉得我们是何等的傻。时间是连续的(即

  • android中WebView使用2020-09-20 03:01:55

    android开发中有时候后台会返回一段html代码片段或者url链接,这些都被webview直接加载出来。 加载方式: public void setEstateHtml(String htmlStr) { //不包含www格式的则为html片段 //loadData()中的html data中不能包含'#', '%', '\', '?'这四中特殊字符

  • defining adolescence2020-04-02 12:52:08

    1 the period of development that we call adolescence is and exciting one. 2 it is filled with turmoil and growth toward independence and the beginning of lifelong commitments 3 it is clearly a period of transition from the dependence of childhood to the i


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