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  • codeforces269B2019-04-30 23:43:34

    Greenhouse Effect  CodeForces - 269B  Emuskald is an avid horticulturist and owns the world's longest greenhouse — it is effectively infinite in length. Over the years Emuskald has cultivated n plants in his greenhouse, of m different plant species n

  • mysql不同表列字段复制2019-03-31 13:53:11

    mysql不同表列字段复制   解决方法: 想把plant_product 表中的class2 字段复制到plant_column 表的column_id字段中(p.class3 =c.id外键关系),实现如下sql语句: http://www.yayihouse.com/yayishuwu/chapter/1838

  • CF434D Nanami's Power Plant 最小割2019-03-06 21:53:35

    传送门 因为连距离限制的边的细节调了贼久QAQ 这个题和HNOI2013 切糕性质相同,都是有距离限制的最小割问题 对于每一个函数,用一条链记录变量\(x\)在不同取值下这个函数的贡献。对于一个\(x_u \leq x_v + d\)的限制,用一条\(INF\)的边连接链上对应的两个点来限制这个条件。 注意一些

  • Get A Productive Asphalt Batch Plant2019-02-25 09:55:07

    For consistency inside your batch mixes, you want a quality asphalt batch plant. There are several critics on this essential machinery who state that the future of asphalt mixing will eliminate these mini asphalt plants for sale. That day is significantly

  • 缩点:Power Plant;2019-02-12 20:37:29

    题目传送门:[UVALive 6437]Power Plant 题目大意:T组数据,给定一幅带权图(n, m), 然后给定k个点, 与图中存在有若干条边。每个点都要至少要和这k个点的一个点直接或间接相连, 问最少的距离是多少。 1 ≤ T ≤ 100; 因为除了这k个点,其他的点是一个连通块,所以当前这个k点与其相连,我们并不

  • Nuclear Power Plant ZOJ - 3840 树形dp2019-02-07 21:01:21

    There are N (1 ≤ N ≤ 105) cities on land, and there are N - 1 wires connecting the cities. Therefore, each city can transmit electricity to all other cities by these wires. Dark_Sun made a decision to build a nuclear power plant to supply electricity for

  • G - Corn Fields2019-01-22 18:02:26

    G - Corn Fields Farmer John has purchased a lush new rectangular pasture composed of M by N (1 ≤ M≤ 12; 1 ≤ N ≤ 12) square parcels. He wants to grow some yummy corn for the cows on a number of squares. Regrettably, some of the squares are infertile an


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