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  • C. Cloud Computing (线段树)2019-04-17 20:40:40

    Buber is a Berland technology company that specializes in waste of investor's money. Recently Buber decided to transfer its infrastructure to a cloud. The company decided to rent CPU cores in the cloud for nn consecutive days, which are numbered from

  • ROS试炼——UR5机器人配置、通讯、RVIZ-moveit控制、C++调用moveit控制2019-04-16 13:54:52

    *注:配置:Ubuntu16.04+ROS kinetic 1.创建工作空间 $mkdir -p catkin_ws/src 进入到catkin_ws目录下,执行如下命令: $catkin_make *这个命令用于构建该工作空间,在catkin_ws路径下使用catkin_make命令 $source devel/setup.bash *该命令是在catkin_ws目录下执行的,意思是把catkin_w

  • 自动化维护任务 – Automated Maintenance Task (转)2019-03-20 20:50:31

      1. Oracle有三个已定义好的automated maintenance tasks. Automatic Optimizer Statistics Collection—用于收集各种数据库对象的统计信息。这里又有三种模式: ‘ALL’ – Statistics are collected for all objects in the system ‘ORACLE’ – Statistics are collected f

  • 3. Elements of a Test Plan2019-03-15 16:43:20

    https://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/test_plan.html This section describes the different parts of a test plan. A minimal test will consist of the Test Plan, a Thread Group and one or more Samplers. 3.0 Test Plan The Test Plan object has a checkbox called

  • 【Luogu P1935】[国家集训队]圈地计划2019-02-05 11:48:09

    题目 最近房地产商 GDOI (Group of Dumbbells Or Idiots) 从 NOI (Nuts Old Idiots) 手中得到了一块开发土地。 据了解,这块土地是一块矩形的区域,可以纵横划分为 \(N\times M\) 块小区域。GDOI 要求将这些区域分为商业区和工业区来开发。 根据不同的地形环境,每块小区域建造商业区

  • IDEA出现Could not autowire. No beans of 'xxx' type found.解决2019-02-03 20:47:27

    Plan A File → Project Structure... Facets → Spring → 右键删除即可 Plan B File → Settings → Editor → Inspections → Spring 把Mixed换成Warning即可。 Plan C settings → inspections → spring → spring core → code → autowiring for bean class,右键替换


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