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  • A Child's History of England.1072022-01-09 09:34:03

    There is no doubt, now, that Joan believed she saw and heard these things. It is very well known that such delusions are a disease which is not by any means uncommon. It is probable enough that there were figures [肖像] of Saint Michael, and Saint Catherine

  • Unit2 Preparing for a negotiation2021-08-15 04:31:23

    General English:9-intermediate Unit2 Preparing for a negotiation Vocabulary Business vocabulary Collocations 搭配 upgrading vendor productive crash negotiate standard model memory hard drive budget outsourcing 外包 conserve 养护 JOAN Okay,Let's get

  • Unit1-Making polite dinner conversation2021-08-14 22:02:03

    General English:9-intermediate Unit1-Making polite dinner conversation Vocabulary Dessert and coffee cappuccino 卡布奇诺 fat-free milk 无脂牛奶 lemon sorbet 柠檬冰糕 black coffee, no sugar 黑咖啡 无糖 cherry tart 樱桃馅饼 espresso n. (用汽加压煮出的)浓


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