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  • G9U5-4 Finding an apartment2021-10-03 01:32:26

    General English:9 Unit 5 Moving to a new city# 4 Finding an apartment 1 Vocabulary Apartment advertisements Roommate wanted Seeking responsible, mature person to share lovely $3,000/month apartment near downtown, facing river. Private bedroom, bath. Share

  • G9U5-3 Surviving your first day in the office2021-10-02 20:32:16

    General English:9 Unit5 Moving to a new city 1 Expressions First day in the office refrigerator 冰箱 Meeting and getting acquainted Here are some useful expressions if you are new employee just arriving at the office,or helping a new arrival. A:Is there any

  • G9U5-2 Finding your way around2021-10-02 18:33:28

    General English:9 Unit 5 Moving to a new city 1 Finding your way around 1 Expressions Locations diagonally 对角线 Compass directions 指南针方向 Giving locations Use these expressions to talk about locations: The downtown area of the city is on the other side

  • G9U5-1 Researching a new city2021-10-02 17:02:59

    1 Vocabulary City vocabulary residential areas 居民区 theater 剧院 subsequent use 后续使用 symphony 交响乐 relieved 松了口气 Describing cities Most cities can be divided into areas or neighborhoods. The theater district is very popular with tourists. T


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