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  • A - Domino Disaster2021-11-14 11:58:00

     1. Problem Alice has a grid with 22 rows and nn columns. She fully covers the grid using nn dominoes of size 1 \times 21×2 — Alice may place them vertically or horizontally, and each cell should be covered by exactly one domino. Now, she decided

  • codeforces 1567 A. Domino Disaster2021-09-13 19:02:44

    本场比赛其他题目的题解 A. Domino Disaster B. MEXor Mixup C. Carrying Conundrum D. Expression Evaluation Error E. Non-Decreasing Dilemma A. Domino Disaster 开启传送门 题目描述 Alice has a grid with 2

  • python接口自动化,通过表单形式请求接口2021-04-12 11:34:10

    #coding:utf-8 import xlrd,requests file_name = r"F:\pythonScript\map_dp\data_center\data_config\second_disaster_of_agriculture_and_natural_gas.xls" workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_name) sheet1_name = workbook.sheet_names()[0] sheet1 = wo

  • 入坑kaggle第四天- Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster模型优化(进阶10%)2021-01-22 18:32:57

    由于昨天毫无目标的调整参数, 很快用完了kaggle的十次提交机会。 以后, 需要有目标的提交, 防止浪费提交次数。 1 如何观察数据 1.1 通过四个方法, 观察数据 method 1: import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('titanic/train.csv') method 2: df.shape (891, 12) method 3: d

  • 入坑kaggle第二天- 详细分析Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster2021-01-20 19:57:14

    kaggle创始人为Anthony毕业于墨尔本大学,于2010年在创立kaggle, 现在被google收购, 现在有100多万活跃用户。 学习kaggle平台如何参加比赛, 如何提交项目练习Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster 泰坦尼克号项目主要是通过一个train.csv文件提供的基础数据,预测test.csv文

  • Scientists Find Proof that Privatising Fishing Stocks Can Avert a Disaster2020-11-13 05:31:54

    Fishing and Conservation For three years, from an office overlooking the Atlantic in Nova Scotia, Boris Worm, a marine scientist, studied what could prevent a fishery from collapsing. By 2006 Dr Worm and his team had worked out that although biodiversity


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