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  • How to use map() instead of if_else() sandwich?2022-02-01 17:03:18

    1. Why do I care? In R, when we want to create a new column we often use mutate() function. A little complex situation is that this new column is base on some existing columns such that we have to prepare our logic first. One common solution is using if_

  • 大学英语(第二册)复习(原文及全文翻译)——Unit 2 - he Dinner Party(晚宴)2021-09-07 11:02:06

    Unit 2 - The Dinner Party A heated discussion about whether men are braver than women is settled in a rather unexpected way. The Dinner Party I first heard this tale in India, where is told as if true -- though any naturalist would know it couldn't b

  • Python加载CSV文件2021-06-08 18:57:37

    python 加载CSV文件的两种方法 1、使用python csv模块2、使用np.loadtxt函数使用方法如下 1、使用python csv模块 reader(csvfile, dialect='excel', **fmtparams) 2、使用np.loadtxt函数 loadtxt(fname, dtype=<class 'float'>, comments='#', delimiter=None, conver

  • 「策略模式」带你将营销收益最大化2021-01-31 22:30:46

     前言: 策略模式初学者很少听到,有时候遇到,但是却不清楚是使用该模式实现的功能,我看了一下百度,对这个模式的解释很生硬,其实简单的来说,什么是策略模式呢,比如你去淘宝上买东西,如果你是男生,它的首页会给你推荐男生喜欢的物品,如果你是女生呢,它会给你推荐女生常用的物品,就感觉啊,这个

  • suggest2020-08-25 18:32:03

    suggest+名词、动名词短语、句子 suggest后面跟的是建议的事情,具有名词的特性。 比如: I suggest this method. I suggest trying once again. I suggest we have dinner now. we have dinner 这个行为说白了还是一件事情。

  • LeetCode 1172. Dinner Plate Stacks2020-01-14 14:04:14

    原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/dinner-plate-stacks/ 题目: You have an infinite number of stacks arranged in a row and numbered (left to right) from 0, each of the stacks has the same maximum capacity. Implement the DinnerPlates class: DinnerP

  • 【leetcode】1172. Dinner Plate Stacks2019-09-14 21:56:39

    题目如下: You have an infinite number of stacks arranged in a row and numbered (left to right) from 0, each of the stacks has the same maximum capacity. Implement the DinnerPlates class: DinnerPlates(int capacity) Initializes the object with the maximum

  • 《python编程:从入门到实践》第三章练习参考答案2019-08-10 09:39:42

    3-1 姓名: 将一些朋友的姓名存储在一个列表中,并将其命名为names 。依次访问该列表中的每个元素,从而将每个朋友的姓名都打印出来。 names = ['ada', 'eric', 'per'] print(names[0]) print(names[1]) print(names[2]) 3-2 问候语: 继续使用练习3-1中的列表,但不打印每个朋友

  • English trip EM2-PE 5B Presentation yourself favorite food Teacher:Ashley2019-06-25 22:42:55

      课上内容(Lesson) What is your favorite food? I llike hotpot.   Where is it from? It comes from Shichuan.   What's in it? It has all kind of meats , seafoods, vegetables,Bean made food,Mushrooms,Eggs, bean vermicelli etc.   When do people eat it (for br

  • 发布订阅者模式和观察者模式2019-06-20 16:45:27

    1、发布订阅者模式 //订阅发布平台应该是一个全局的var pubsub={};(function(pubsub){ var topics={}; pubsub.publish=function(topic){ //发布话题,订阅了该话题的都会收到消息 if(!topics[topic]){ //不存在该话题 return; } var funs = topics[topic];


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