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  • PAT (Advanced Level) Practice 1068 Find More Coins2020-01-24 23:53:56

    题解   01背包板子 + 记录路径。这次的记录路径比较特殊,要从多组解中找到一组由尽量小价值的硬币组成的解。所以不能利用一维数组记录路径,path[目前重量] = 物品序号,因为这样最后只能记录一个可能符合或不符合要求解。所以应该利用二维数组记录路径,path[ 物品序号 ][ 目前重量 ]

  • 518. Coin Change 22020-01-24 09:00:09

    You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money. Write a function to compute the number of combinations that make up that amount. You may assume that you have infinite number of each kind of coin.   Example 1: Input: amount = 5,

  • codeforces 1294A Collecting Coins2020-01-23 21:38:06

    A. Collecting Coins time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Polycarp has three sisters: Alice, Barbara, and Cerene. They’re collecting coins. Currently, Alice has a coins, Barbara has b

  • C++经典算法题-八枚银币2020-01-17 12:04:53

    9.Algorithm Gossip: 八枚银币 说明 现有八枚银币a b c d e f g h,已知其中一枚是假币,其重量不同于真币,但不知是较轻或较重,如何使用天平以最少的比较次数,决定出哪枚是假币,并得知假币比真币较轻或较重。 解法 单就求假币的问题是不难,但问题限制使用最少的比较次数,所以我们不能

  • Codeforces Round #610 (Div. 2) B2. K for the Price of One (Hard Version) (DP)2019-12-25 20:57:08

    链接: https://codeforces.com/contest/1282/problem/B2 题意: This is the hard version of this problem. The only difference is the constraint on k — the number of gifts in the offer. In this version: 2≤k≤n. Vasya came to the store to buy goods for his friends f

  • 【算法】动态规划2019-12-23 12:55:49

    描述:代替递归求解 例如:斐波那契函数f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2)。计算f(n)需要计算f(n-1)和f(n-2)。当计算f(n-1)时要计算f(n-2)和f(n-3)。因此在计算f(n)中f(n-2)被计算了两次。 为了减少重复的递归调用,我们可以反过来计算。先计算f(2),有了f(2)再计算f(3),以此类推,计算到f(n)。在此过程

  • leetcode动态规划--基础题2019-12-09 23:03:58

    跳跃游戏 给定一个非负整数数组,你最初位于数组的第一个位置。 数组中的每个元素代表你在该位置可以跳跃的最大长度。 判断你是否能够到达最后一个位置。 思路 根据题目意思,最大跳跃距离,说明可以跳0--nums[i]的距离 可以把跳跃看成走nums[i]步,如果能走到下一位置则可以加油获取更多

  • Leetcode solution 322: Coin Change2019-12-08 09:01:10

    Problem Statement  You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination

  • LeetCode之找零钱2019-11-28 15:04:04

    题目:已知不同面值的钞票,求如 何用最少数量的钞票组成某个金额,求可 以使用的最少钞票数量。如果任意数量的已知面值钞票都无法组成该金额, 则返回-1。 示例: Input: coins = [1, 2, 5], amount = 11Output: 3 Explanation: 11 = 5 + 5 + 1Input: coins = [2], 

  • Course1_Week1_ProgrammingHomeWork2019-11-20 13:56:11

    Exercise 1: Pascal’s Triangle The following pattern of numbers is called Pascal’s triangle. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 ... The numbers at the edge of the triangle are all 1, and each number inside the triangle is the sum of the two numbers

  • Leetcode979 : Distribute Coins in Binary Tree 在二叉树均匀分配硬币问题2019-11-17 12:55:53

    问题 给定一个二叉树的root节点,二叉树中每个节点有node.val个coins,一种有N coins。 现在要求移动节点中的coins 使得二叉树最终每个节点的coins value都为1。每次移动,我们只能向相邻接点移动,也就是说coins 只能向父节点或者子节点移动,那么求最终需要移动多少步。 Leetcode原题链接

  • 扔鸡蛋问题和找零钱问题2019-11-01 13:03:16

    算法(三)--------扔鸡蛋问题和找零钱问题   扔鸡蛋问题描述:You are given two eggs, and access to a 100-storey building. The aim is to find out the highest floor from which an egg will not break when dropped out of a window from that floor. What strategy should y

  • Swift从入门到精通第十二篇 - 反初始化(析构过程) 初识2019-09-19 15:00:07

    反初始化(析构过程)(学习笔记) 环境Xcode 11.0 beta4 swift 5.1 反初始化(析构过程) 类实例销毁之前会立即调用析构器,用关键字 deinit 反初始化(析构过程)如何工作 Swift仍然使用ARC管理机制,大部分情况下实例销毁不用手动清理;但有些情况下需要自己做一些额外的操作在实例销毁前,此时

  • Hello Kiki HDU - 3579(扩展中国剩余定理)2019-09-18 11:41:31

    One day I was shopping in the supermarket. There was a cashier counting coins seriously when a little kid running and singing "门前大桥下游过一群鸭,快来快来 数一数,二四六七八". And then the cashier put the counted coins back morosely and count again...

  • 322. 零钱兑换 518. 零钱兑换 II (动态规划)2019-09-13 16:07:28

    零钱兑换 给定不同面额的硬币 coins 和一个总金额 amount。编写一个函数来计算可以凑成总金额所需的最少的硬币个数。如果没有任何一种硬币组合能组成总金额,返回 -1。 示例 1: 输入: coins = [1, 2, 5], amount = 11 输出: 3 解释: 11 = 5 + 5 + 1 示例 2: 输入: coins

  • 洛谷 UVA562 Dividing coins2019-09-12 20:00:23

    洛谷 UVA562 Dividing coins Description 给你一堆硬币,让你分成两堆,分别给A,B两个人,求两人得到的最小差。 Input 输入有多组测试样例。第一行一个数字n,代表有n组测试样例。接下来是n组测试样例,每个样例包括两行,第一行m代表有m个硬币,第二行输入m个硬币的面值。 Output 输出每组

  • [codeforces938D]Buy a Ticket2019-09-12 17:35:51

    time limit per test : 2 seconds memory limit per test : 256 megabytes Musicians of a popular band “Flayer” have announced that they are going to “make their exit” with a world tour. Of course, they will visit Berland as well. There are n cities in

  • 2019 Multi-University Training Contest 9 Rikka with Coin (背包+思维)2019-09-10 17:01:51

    Rikka with Coin Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 524288/524288 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1722    Accepted Submission(s): 568   Problem Description Rikka hates coins, and she used to never carry any coins with her

  • PAT (Advanced Level) Practice 1048 Find Coins(hash)2019-08-24 20:39:26

    1048 Find Coins (25 分) Eva loves to collect coins from all over the universe, including some other planets like Mars. One day she visited a universal shopping mall which could accept all kinds of coins as payments. However, there was a special require

  • 所有硬币组合问题——动态规划hdu20692019-08-18 10:56:54

    Problem Description Suppose there are 5 types of coins: 50-cent, 25-cent, 10-cent, 5-cent, and 1-cent. We want to make changes with these coins for a given amount of money.For example, if we have 11 cents, then we can make changes with one 10-cent coin an

  • 322.零钱兑换2019-08-11 17:54:04

    思路 dp问题,空间换时间,递推公式(初始化+转移方程), F(S) = F(S-C) + 1 # S 代表总额(amount), F(S)代表最少兑换次数,C代表兑换的最后一个面值,其中 S为0时,F(S) = 0, 零钱数组为空时,F(S)=-1. 解法 暴力穷举,回溯 public int coinChange(int[] coins, int amount) { retu

  • 做题笔记(POJ P1013 称硬币)2019-08-11 17:01:24

    题目原文 传送门 POJ P1013 Description(题目描述) Sally Jones has a dozen Voyageur silver dollars. However, only eleven of the coins are true silver dollars; one coin is counterfeit even though its color and size make it indistinguishable from the real silv

  • Coins POJ - 17422019-08-02 09:54:44

    People in Silverland use coins.They have coins of value A1,A2,A3...An Silverland dollar.One day Tony opened his money-box and found there were some coins.He decided to buy a very nice watch in a nearby shop. He wanted to pay the exact price(without change

  • Coins POJ - 17422019-08-02 09:54:22

    People in Silverland use coins.They have coins of value A1,A2,A3...An Silverland dollar.One day Tony opened his money-box and found there were some coins.He decided to buy a very nice watch in a nearby shop. He wanted to pay the exact price(without change

  • Coins POJ - 17422019-08-01 15:08:21

    给出硬币面额及每种硬币的个数,求从1到m能凑出面额的个数。 简单的多重部分和问题,动态规划解决 递推式可以参考https://mp.csdn.net/postedit/98054811 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<fstream> #include<queue> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include


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