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  • COMP2022: Assignment 22019-10-24 19:01:58

    COMP2022: Assignment 2Due: 23:59pm Sunday 20th October 2019 (end week 10)1 The grammar G [10%]Consider the following grammar G, which represents a fragment of a simple programming language:S → SL | εL → A; | E; | C;E → (EBE) | N | VA → let V =EC → while

  • FIT3143 – Assignment2019-10-22 18:55:16

    FIT3143 – Assignment 2Marks: 20 marks and 20% of all marks for the unit.Due Date: Week 11, Friday 18/October/2019, 11:55 PM Melbourne time.Submission: (i) The assignment submission must be made through Moodle for this unit by thedue date. (ii) The submiss

  • FIT2076 Assignment2019-10-07 19:02:52

    FIT2076 Assignment 2 Semester 2, 2019This assignment is worth 25% of the total mark for the unit.This is a group assignment and is to be completed by 2students working together.Title: Application Development and ImplementationScenarioHarry Helper is the C

  • CSSE1001/70302019-09-28 18:53:02

    Assignment 3CSSE1001/7030Semester 2, 2019Version 1.0.020 marksDue Friday 18th October, 2019, 20:30IntroductionThe goal of this assignment is to extend the existing support code of a mario style 2D-platformer written in Python usingtkinter.To be successful

  • First assignment2019-09-22 22:04:29

    2.1 你对软件工程专业或者计算机科学与技术专业了解是怎样?(2分) 答案:软件工程专业是一门研究用工程化方法构建和维护有效的、实用的和高质量的软件的学科。它涉及到程序设计语言,数据库,软件开发工具,系统平台,标准,设计模式等方面。在现代社会中,软件应用于多个方面。典型的软件比如有电

  • [kuangbin] POJ3189 Steady Cow Assignment 二分图多重匹配+二分2019-09-21 16:06:02

    Farmer John's N (1 <= N <= 1000) cows each reside in one of B (1 <= B <= 20) barns which, of course, have limited capacity. Some cows really like their current barn, and some are not so happy.  FJ would like to rearrange the cows such tha

  • SIT292 ASSIGNMENT2019-09-14 19:02:14

    SIT292 ASSIGNMENT 3: ORTHOGONALISATION, SUBSPACES ANDLINEAR CODESGUILLERMO PINEDA-VILLAVICENCIOInstructionsThis is an individual assignment. The aim of the assignment is that the student appliesconcepts and methods studied in Weeks 8-10 to solve problems

  • Assignment 2, Question 1 MAST90125: Bayesian2019-09-14 19:01:58

    Assignment 2, Question 1 MAST90125: BayesianStatistical LearningDue: Friday 20 September 2019There are places in this assignment where R code will be required. Therefore set the randomseed so assignment is reproducible.set.seed(123456) #Please change rand

  • Assignment 2, Question 2 MAST90125: Bayesian2019-09-14 19:01:26

    MAST90125留学生作业代写、代做Bayesian课程作业、R程序设计作业调试、R语言作业代写Assignment 2, Question 2 MAST90125: BayesianStatistical LearningDue: Friday 20 September 2019There are places in this assignment where R code will be required. Therefore set the ra

  • COMP 5416 Assignment2019-09-09 19:00:48

    COMP 5416 Assignment 1 (2019)Due: 7/Sep/2019 23:59Question 1 (Delay). As shown in the figure below, a file of size F = 1000 bytes is transmitted on an end-to-end connectionover three links. Each link is 100 km. The signal prorogation speed is 2×108 m/s. A

  • CAB202 Assignment 12019-09-01 20:01:04

    CAB202 Assignment 1, Semester 2 2019Assessment Weight: 30%ContextYou are tasked with bringing to life the classic characters of Tom and Jerry in a terminal basedgame. Tom is a cat with the simple agenda of catching the mouse, Jerry, running rampant in his

  • MAST20005/MAST90058: Assignment2019-09-01 20:00:33

    MAST20005/MAST90058: Assignment 1Due date: 11am, Friday 30 August 2019Instructions: Questions labelled with ‘(R)’ require use of R. Please provide appropriate Rcommands and their output, along with sucientexplanation and interpretation of the outputto dem

  • 159.233 Assignment 3 - The Superpicocomputer2019-08-28 18:53:40

    159.233 Assignment 3 - The Superpicocomputer!Due 24th May 2019This assignment is concerned with the design of a microcoded control unit for a simple CPU. The Picocomputer described inthe lectures notes has 6 simple instructions. The Superpicocomputer for

  • Unit code CSC102172019-08-19 18:52:37

    School of Business and TourismUnit Web Development IIUnit code CSC10217Assignment 1 Design and build a Web site.Due Date Midnight, Friday 19th April 2019.LearningOutcomes 1 – 4GraduateAttributes 1, 3 & 4Weight 25% of overall unit assessmentMode This a

  • 入门MySQL——DML语句篇2019-08-18 14:56:33

    前言:  在上篇文章中,主要为大家介绍的是DDL语句的用法,可能细心的同学已经发现了。本篇文章将主要聚焦于DML语句,为大家讲解表数据相关操作。 这里说明下DDL与DML语句的分类,可能有的同学还不太清楚。DDL(Data Definition Language):数据定义语言,用于创建、删除、修改、库或表结构,对数

  • 【CodeForce】A. Hotelier(思维)2019-08-12 10:38:13

    Amugae has a hotel consisting of 10 rooms. The rooms are numbered from 0 to 9 from left to right. The hotel has two entrances — one from the left end, and another from the right end. When a customer arrives to the hotel through the left entrance, they

  • practice in Shell programming generally2019-07-17 18:55:12

    This assignment aims to give youpractice in Shell programming generallyintroduce you to git & give you a clear concrete understanding of its basic semanticsNote: the material in the lecture notes will not be sufficient by itself to allow you to comple

  • CSCI3136 Assignment2019-07-08 20:52:30

    CSCI3136Assignment 7Consider the grammar for the Splat programming language in Figure 1, where the terminal intdenotes an integer, the terminal symbol, and the terminal string denotes a quoted string.Figure 1: A grammar for the Splat language.Splat, is a

  • Assignment name: ML polynomial evaluator2019-06-29 19:39:19

    Programming Assignment 1Assignment name: ML polynomial evaluatorDue: Friday, June 30, 2019, 11:59 PM.Write a file named ‘p1.sml’ that contains a function named ‘epoly’, which accepts as parametersa list of real values a0 through an, and a single real valu

  • CSCI3136 Summer 2019 Assignment 52019-06-29 19:38:53

    CSCI3136Assignment 5Due: 9:00am, Friday, June 28, 20191. [40 marks] Write a recursive descent parser for the language generated by the grammar:Figure 1: A grammar for the Splat language.The terminal int denotes an integer, string denotes a double quoted s

  • 用户无法进入SDSF,报NO GROUP ASSIGNMENT错误2019-06-28 16:49:35

    注:命令行小写部分表出需要根据自己的情况改变!!   a)激活SDSF资源类 SETROPTS CLASSACT(SDSF) b)查看SDSF资源类的PROFILE RLIST SDSF * c)如果不存在GROUP.ISFUSER.servername的PROFILE,则需要定义, RDEFINE SDSF (GROUP.ISFUSER.servername) OWNER(userid or group name) UACC

  • CSCI31202019-06-25 20:03:23

    CSCI3120Assignment 2Due: 11:59 AM, Tuesday, June 18, 2019IntroductionAs we discussed in class, process become blocked whenever they are waiting for a resourceor for an operation to complete. In air-travel a similar situation occurs when a plane for aparti

  • Assignment 4: Refactoring and Patterns2019-06-25 20:01:54

    Assignment 4: Refactoring and PatternsYou work for an educational software company that is developing a suite of simple Physicssimulations. The code in pendulum.zip is the beginning of a suite intended to permit the creation ofa series of different types

  • buaaoo_fourth_assignment2019-06-21 20:42:43

    你轻轻地走了 一、架构设计   (1)第一次作业     类图     复杂度分析            如上图是本单元第一次作业的架构设计,由于本人最开始未发现可以直接继承官方的类,所以自己将所用到的各种type都重新建了类,于是这就导致了整个src里面看起来十分臃肿。不过这样做

  • JIT121 First Assignment CRA2019-06-06 19:02:58

    JIT121 First Assignment CRA – June 2019JIT121 Programming Principles MARK /20First Assignment Criteria Reference Assessment (CRA)Grades of 4 or higher assumes that the code contains no logic or run-time errors andperforms the required calculation correctl


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