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Blog 4: Managing Change

2021-05-31 18:36:04  阅读:258  来源: 互联网

标签:Managing employees resistance Blog Change more com change 2021

When the manager tries to change the policy or method, some members will produce resistance reaction, and the older the employee is, the stronger the resistance reaction will be. Because they are used to their own ways and methods, and they may have worked in this company or department for many years, and have formed dependence, they will have resistance to change. However, I don't agree with that. Because managers with charisma and leadership skills can change employees' minds, and have the ability to make employees realize that they can improve themselves through change. It allows employees to view change with positive thinking and a positive perspective, which can greatly reduce resistance(Mahyarblog 2014). If there are still employees who are resistant to change, we can manage it through the following points. First, effective change management from the beginning of the project can effectively avoid great change resistance (Prosci 2017). Secondly, communicate more with members. In the best case, let each member have the opportunity to bravely show and express their ideas, and actively put forward opinions to express the impact of the change. Analyze the pros and cons of change from a positive perspective (SUSAN M. HEATHFIELD 2021). Thirdly, listen to employees. Listen to the voice of employees, understand and try to experience the views and feelings of employees. It's not telling and explaining that can eliminate this kind of resistance. Sometimes listening and respecting will make employees feel the sincerity of the manager to her. Fourthly, actively solve the problems for members, and give them the ability to contribute. Finally, create feedback and change details. Open and maintain real-time communication throughout the organization to ensure feedback is brought to the attention of the staff in charge. So as to change the details according to the feedback. In change management, there are three widely used models: Lewins change management model, McKinsey 7-S model and Kotter 8-step change model (Normandin, 2012). I think the best choice is the Kotter model, because the model does not try to change people's personality, but to make employees accept the change as part of their work life, and make them adapt and enhance their work skills. This new style. As a result, it's easier to use this model because it creates smaller steps, which means that the end employee will be ready to use the "change" skill set. However, its main criticism is that it takes some time for the company to successfully use the model, but it can make the change a permanent attribute of the employees without trying to change the employees psychologically, which is a very difficult thing. In the automobile industry, it should be one of the most obvious industries of change management. Today's cars have obvious and better optimization changes than the traditional cars before. After all, change management is the foundation of industry innovation (Nigel Roome 2017). Due to the development and innovation of technology, coupled with the changes of the times, science and technology has been applied to every corner of life. It not only brings convenience to people's life, but also ensures low-carbon environmental protection and personal safety. Therefore, with people's higher and higher requirements for cars, as well as the growing demand. In 2014, the production of pure electric vehicles such as Nissan LEAF or hybrid vehicles such as Toyota Prius has made 3 million vehicles sold (dailytech.com, 2014). In the same year, it produced a car brand that has been influential to this day: Tesla. The impact of Tesla's birth on fuel vehicles is undeniable, and the annual sales are growing (Figure 1). In addition, more and more automobile brands are changing. High end brands like BMW and Mercedes Benz have also added new products of electric vehicles.



Figure 1


Therefore, although change is very difficult, everyone has their own opinions and ideas, and everyone will have different degrees of acceptance of change. As time goes on, more and more employees will face up to your management. Just like the automobile industry, more and more brands attract customers through new products after transformation, and they succeed. Because, now people have a very strong awareness of environmental protection, as well as the increasing population, crowded cities. So you don't need a car that consumes a lot of fuel and has a huge shape. So the prospect and reputation of electric vehicles are getting better and better. 



1. Mahyarblog (2014) Leadership Module [online] Available at<https://mahyarblog.wordpress.com/2014/08/30/change-is-nothing-new-and-a-simple-fact-of-life-some-people-actively-thrive-on-new-challenges-and-constant-change-while-others-prefer-the-comfort-of-the-status-quo-and-strongly-resist-any-change-it/>[20 May 2021]

2. Prosci (2017) 5 Tips for Managing Resistance to Change [online] Available at<https://www.prosci.com/resources/articles/tips-for-managing-resistance-to-change>[20 May 2021]

3.SUSAN M. HEATHFIELD (2021)How to Reduce Employee Resistance to Change [online] Available at<https://www.thebalancecareers.com/how-to-reduce-employee-resistance-to-change-1918992>[20 May 2021]

4.Normandin, B. (2012). Three Types of Change Management Models. [online] Available at<http://quickbase.intuit.com/blog/2012/08/28/three-types-of-change-management-models> [20 May 2021].

5.Nigel Roome (2017) Business Strategy, R&D Management and Environmental Imperatives[online] Available at<https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-9310.1994.tb00848.x>[20 May 2021]

6.Dailytech.com, (2014). DailyTech – Toyota’s Prius Hybrid Crosses 3 Million Unit Threshold in Worldwide Sales. [online] Available at<http://www.dailytech.com/Toyotas+Prius+Hybrid+Crosses+3+Million+Unit+Threshold+in+Worldwide+Sales/article31907.htm> [20 May 2021].



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/5706meor/p/14832658.html

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