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2021-05-30 18:34:32  阅读:232  来源: 互联网

标签:use network reference tutorials channel Tutorials smart Fabric



​ Application developers can use the Fabric tutorials to get started building their own solutions.

  1. Start working with Fabric by deploying the test network on your local machine.
  2. You can then use the steps provided by the Deploying a smart contract to a channel tutorial to deploy and test your smart contracts.
  3. The Running a Fabric Application tutorial provides an introduction to how to use the APIs provided by the Fabric SDKs to invoke smart contracts from your client applications.
  4. For an in depth overview of how Fabric applications and smart contracts work together, you can visit the Developing Applications topic.


  1. Network operators can use the Deploying a smart contract to a channel tutorial and the Creating a channel tutorial series to learn important aspects of administering a running network.
  2. Both network operators and application developers can use the tutorials on Private data and CouchDB to explore important Fabric features.
  3. When you are ready to deploy Hyperledger Fabric in production, see the guide for Deploying a production network.


There are two tutorials for updating a channel: Updating a channel configuration and Updating the capability level of a channel, while Upgrading your components shows how to upgrade components like peers, ordering nodes, SDKs, and more.


Finally, we provide an introduction to how to write a basic smart contract, Writing Your First Chaincode.



If you have questions not addressed by this documentation, or run into issues with any of the tutorials, please visit the Still Have Questions? page for some tips on where to find additional help.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/huzhengyu/p/14828602.html

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