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Unit 1 Running a meeting

2021-05-03 14:35:19  阅读:192  来源: 互联网

标签:everyone hires Running agenda TODD new meeting Unit He

General English:6-Elementary

1 Vocabulary Metting words

agenda,items,new hires,short time,for personal reasons,visitors,clean up,continue,update

TODD:Thanks for coming,guys.I know that you're really busy.have you looked at the agenda?

Sally:yup.Only three items?

TODD:yes,new hires,office visita and a company update.We Only have a short time,so let's get stared.


TODD:first,new hires.Simon just hired a new chief engineer.She's from china.Her name's Amy Ling.Simon 
said that this is her first time in the US,so,um,please make her feel welcome.

TODD:And,uh,Jessica in HR is leaving the company.


TODD:it's for personal reasons,next:office visits.Joan told me the we have some important visitors in the next week.
And you know what that means.

Sally:WE have to clean up our desks.

TODD:That's right.Any questions before we continue.

HARRY:Um,can we talk about the company update?That's really important.

TODD:Yes,HARRY,we‘re getting to that.

Useful words and phrases for meetings

Here are some words that often come up in meetings:

Has everyone got the agenda?	Has everyone got the agenda?

There are three items today. 	There are three items today.

First, we have several new hires.	First, we have several new hires.

Jane is leaving for personal reasons.	Jane is leaving for personal reasons.

I'll give an update on that later.	I'll give an update on that later.


He’s leaning the company for personal reasons.

She will give a company update in the meeting.

How many new hires were there last month?

let's look at the meeting agenda.

There are four items on the agenda.

2 Grammer 'Say' vs 'tell'

Using *say* and *tell* to report what people say

Say and tell have similar meanings.

He said that she's very nice but a little shy. 	He said that she's very nice but a little shy.

He told me that she's very nice but a little shy. 	He told me that she's very nice but a little shy.

As you might have noticed, tell is usually used together with a word like me, you or us, while say doesn't need them.

He said he would tell us the news next week. 	He said he would tell us the news next week.

3 Expressions Conducting a meeting

Conducting a meeting

You can organize a meeting into a series of steps, with language that marks each step.

1. Greet and thank the attendees.

Welcome, everyone. Thanks for coming.	Welcome, everyone. Thanks for coming.

Good morning. Glad you're all here.	Good morning. Glad you all are here.

2. Point out the agenda.
Has everyone looked at the agenda?	Has everyone looked at the agenda?
There are seven items on the agenda.	There are seven items on the agenda.


Has everyone seen the agenda?

We don't have much time,so let's move quickly.

First,new hires.Dan's leaving for personal reasons.

Li said that she can do his job  while we hire someone.

Any questions before we continue?

Now let's move to item two-company updates.

4 Final Task

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/14727392.html

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