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2021-04-17 14:32:05  阅读:311  来源: 互联网

标签:pencil What 04 17 How birthday 2021 desk Day

1.How are you?
Fine, thanks.
2.Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
3.What’s his name?
His name is Danny.
4.Is this your pencil?
No, it isn’t.
5. What’s in the pencil box?
A ruler.
6.Whose crayon is this?
It’s Jenny’s crayon.
7.Where is the schoolbag?
It’s under the desk.
8.Where is Danny?
He is between the desk and the chair.
9.How many rulers are there on my desk?
There are eighteen rulers.
10.Where is Jenny?
She’s on the playground.
1 .What’s your favourite month?
My favourite month is May.
2. Whose birthday is in July?
My birthday is in July.
3. When is your birthday?
My birthday is June the first.
4. When is Teachers’ Day ?
September the tenth.
5. When is New Year’s Day?
January the first.
6. What is it ?
It’s the sun.
7. How’s the weather today?
It’s hot and sunny.
8. What day is it?
It’s Tuesday.
9. How’s the weather in December?
It’s cold and snowy.
10. How’s the weather in Beijing?
It’s windy.
1一个新老师 a new teacher
2一个新朋友 a new friend
3他的名字 his name
4我的铅笔盒 my pencil box
5我的教室 my classroom
6谁的铅笔 whose pencil
7金的铅笔 Kim’s pencil
8丹尼的游戏 Danny’s game
9在盒子的旁边 beside the box
10在桌子上 on the desk

11在书包里 in the schoolbag
12在桌子下面 under the desk
between the desk and the chair
14在树的前面 in front of the tree
15在树的后面 behind the tree
16在教室里 in the classroom
17在操场上 on the playground
18从30到40 from thirty to forty
19读一本书 read a book
20玩一个游戏 play a game


1一年中的月份 months of the year
2十二个月 twelve months
3最喜欢的月份 favourite month
4第一个月 the first month
5谁的生日 whose birthday
6我的生日 my birthday
7在七月 in July
8在十二月 in December
9一月一日 January the first
10九月十日 September the tenth

11穿着红色的短裤 in red shorts
12新年/元旦 New Year’s Day
13儿童节 Children’s Day
14教师节 Teachers’ Day
15一个晴朗的一天 a sunny day
16在北京 in Beijing
17在中国 in China
18 一场比赛 a race
19看… look at
20吃一些生日蛋糕 eat some birthday cake

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/cdwtsh1/article/details/115794482

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