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NetSuite generated bank files and the Bank Reconciliation process

2021-04-08 17:35:28  阅读:481  来源: 互联网

标签:files Reconciliation NetSuite netsuite Payments https com Payment Bank

Electronic Bank Payments


Creating a New Custom Payment File Template

In the Payment File Type field, select one of the following:
■ EFT – for vendor payments and customer refunds
■ DD – for customer payments
■ Positive Pay – for creating Positive Pay files


In the Bank File Template field, enter the template body using FreeMarker syntax. If the SuiteTax feature is provisioned in your account, enter the template body in the SuiteTax Bank File Template field


Template Sample:


Legal Name: **${cbank.custrecord_2663_legal_name}

Immediate Origin: **${cbank.custpage_eft_custrecord_2663_bank_comp_id}

Reference Note: **${pfa.custrecord_2663_ref_note}



Including Fields from NetSuite Search Results in Advanced Templates

NetSuite search result columns can be accessed in payment files using the <single_result_keyword>.<column_id> notation.


<#list payments as payment>

<#assign entity = entities[payment_index] >

<#assign ebank = ebanks[payment_index] >


Amount: ${payment.amount}

Address: ${entity.billaddress1}

Bank Num: ${ebank. custrecord_2663_entity_bank_no}




Note that the variable names for single payment, single entity, and single entity bank use the single result keyword.


FreeMarker Template Library for Electronic Bank Payments




1. NetSuite Electronic Bank Payments Bundle | Sikich LLP



2. Import online banking data and statement functions in NetSuite


3. How to Generate Standard NACHA File for Vendor Payments



  1. Install Electronic Bank Payments bundle (Bundle ID 308852)
  2. Set up Bank Details
    1. https://netsuite.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/21798/kw/bank%20detail
    2. Notes:Set up approval workflow : https://netsuite.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/34998
  1. Set up Vendor records for Electronic Payment
    1. https://netsuite.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/21801/kw/Vendor%20bank%20payment%20detail

      Notes:Make sure set up the Default AP Account on the Vendor record:
      Go to Employee -  Financial -- Account Information – Default Payables Account
    2. You can also use CSV Import to create new Bank Detail records:   https://netsuite.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27012/kw/csv%20bank%20detail
       Tips:The Record Type is called "Bank Detail" ("Entity Bank Detail" is incorrectly called out in the instructions)
  2. Generate NACHA file for Vendor Payments
      1. https://netsuite.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/21773
      2. Notes:
        1. Bills will be marked paid once electronic payments are approved and processed
        2. Date to be Processed choose the next day if you are loading the file today
        3. Make sure Vendor's default Payables account is the same as the EFT Bank Details set up. See step #3 above.
        4. Make sure Bill is approved if you don’t see it on the list
        5. Uncheck Aggregate by Payee to create separate payment transactions
  1. Approval Workflow
    1. Approver will be emailed notification that approval is needed OR
    2. Where to check for approvals: Payments -- Payment Processing -- Bill Payment Batches
      1. Find your batch
      2. Click Edit
      3. Save and Approve or Reject
  1. Retrieve File for upload to bank
    1. Where to check for processed file: Payments -- Payment Processing -- Payment File Administration
    1. Download processed file
    2. Other actions
      1. Rollback – deletes transaction; only available 24 hours of batch creation
      2. Reverse Payments – Voids and uses Journals to reverse the transactions
      3. Email Notification – sends email notification to the vendors that payment was sent
  1. Upload file to your bank



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/backuper/p/NetSuite_generated_bank_files_and_the_Bank_Reconciliati

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