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2021-03-02 21:02:15  阅读:224  来源: 互联网

标签:ESSAY105 army men 范文 雅思 剑桥 women

Some countries allow women to join the armed forces, while some others think that armed forces such as navy or army don't suit women. Do you agree or disagree?


In ancient times, women were thought to bring bad luck to the military and were  not allowed anywhere near the army. Nowadays a small number women work in organizations affiliated to the armed forces, but mainly involved in the logistics or other civilian work. As far as I am concerned, the army or navy is not suited for the fair sex.

A life in the army is physically demanding for a woman. Indeed, many men can hardly cope with the vigorous training and drilling. It is true that we have female athletes who undergo intensive training daily, but what is required in the army goes against women's nature. Being a soldier, you must learn how to kill other people. Most women would readily learn how to defend themselves but would balk when it comes to killing. Many are disturbed by the sight of blood and unable to handle a gun or dagger. Only under extreme circumstances would they find the nerve to pull the trigger. Only very few women can make good soldiers.

The psychological effects of a military career could be devastating. Combating experience is trumatic for most people. Many veterans suffer from post-war syndrome. The bloodiness and cruelty of war often haunts them for the rest of their lives despite their efforts to put the past behind. Even in times of peace, soldiers are trained for war. Daily exposure to the violence and harshness, which is routine in the army, may cause damage to their mental health.

War and fighting may be mankind's unavoidable folly. By and large, men are its executioners and victims. It is sad enough that men are being exposed to the worst in mankind: cruelty, violence, wickedness and so on. Let's spare our fair sex, as much as possible, the evil of the world. We must not all become desensitized and dehumanized. Some of us need to remain caring and gentle. The female is a balancing factor toward the good. Our children need to have at least one parent who is loving and considerate.







来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14471217.html

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