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2021-03-02 12:32:06  阅读:289  来源: 互联网

标签:jobs men 范文 should 雅思 female male ESSAY61 women

Some people agree that all kinds of jobs should be equally open to men and women. Others think that some jobs should only be suitable for men and women respectively. Discuss and give your opinion.


Many of us would be a little amused at the sight of a male nurse and be upset by the presence of a female soldier. Yet, even the last bastion of male dominance -- the navy is giving way to equal rights consideration. The stereotype male and female roles at workplace seem to be fading.

Equal rights advocates are hailing the fact that more jobs are opening to both men and women. In their opinion, it is a manifestation of equality. Why should women be barred from some jobs merely because of their gender? It is blatant discrimination againt the underprivileged sex, which is rooted in the male chauvinistic view that men are superior to women. As it often turns out, women can do just as well, if not better, in virtually all kinds of work. Tasks requiring physical strength can now be done by machines, so female's weaker physique is not an issue here. Conversely, of course, there is no such a job that only a woman can do. What dissudes men from taking certain jobs is often stereotyped male self-perception, which deems certain professions as below their dignity. Indeed, a lot of talent is wasted when one sex choose not to pursue certain careers. Unfortunately, in many fields such as science and politics, female is still sharply under-represented. How many Madam Curies can the world turn out if we dispose of this long-held unjustified attitude?

It must not be taken, however, that we should have equal number of males and females doing any kind of work. It is a matter of individuality rather than gender. Some people, male or female, are natually unfit for politics; some may never make good athletes; still some will find teaching repulsive. Thus, before embarking on a career, both sexes need to take account of their interests, abilities, inclination, temperament and so on.

Equal job opportunity for both sexes is not su much desirable as unavoidable. Developed nations are feeling the strain as a large portion of their talents (usually females) remain untapped. Jobs should be offered to whoever qualified regardless of the gender.







来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14468302.html

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