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2021-02-28 13:03:41  阅读:226  来源: 互联网

标签:co 范文 雅思 their other they each children ESSAY7

Some people think that children should learn to compete, but others think that children should be taught  to co-operate so that they could become more useful adults. State some reasons for both views and give your opinion.


Growing up in a world with ever-increasing population, many children are taught to compete with each other from their earliest memory so as to surpass others. Although this practice is embraced by many, others remain unconvinced of its merits. They insist that for children to achieve greater things in their adulthood they should learn how to co-operate with others.

Those in favour of the 'competition approach' argue that the competition skills have to be instilled into the children from an early age if they are to merely survive in their future life. Indeed, fierce competition starts from primary school where all students vie to get better grades in order to enter a prestigious university later on. This is followed by constant pressure to outshine one's co-workers if career advancement is to be achieved. Moreover, instead of being an unavoidable nuissance, competition should be embraced, for it is the driving force behind an unavoidable nuisance, competition shoudl be embraced, for it is the driving force behind all our progress. Understandably, people tend to perform better when they strive to beat their opponents, which is the very reason why most athletes run faster in critical races than they do in their training.

On ther other hand, opponents of this view also have their reasons. To begin with, to survive and prosper, either at school or in society, co-operation is essential. No one can solely rely on his own talents to achieve academic success. In fact, many key factors that contribute to one's scholastic achievement such as the instruction from teachers and the exchange of ideas with classmates require co-operation and interpersonal skills. The need to work with and assist each other is also reflected in every organization, be it a company or a laboratory, where teamwork is a prerequisite for all job seekers. Furthermore, if children are taught how to cooperate well with others, they are more ilkely to establish rapport wherever they go. By helping each other toward the same goal, people form genuine friendship.

Personally, I encourage kids to co-operate with each other. In a world where people become increasingly interdependent, it is imperative to teach our children how to work with rather than against each other.


Reference: 剑桥雅思写作高分范文 在京东购买


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14458713.html

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