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【离散数学】 MIT 6.042J 笔记 - Lecture 7 Matching Problems

2021-02-15 19:29:28  阅读:362  来源: 互联网

标签:usepackage begin end definition Problems 离散数学 TMA theorem MIT

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【离散数学】MIT 6.042J - Fall 2010 - Note for Lecture 7



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\title{\huge \bfseries Mathematics for Computer Science, MIT 6.042J - Fall 2010 - Note for Lecture 7}

\author{\Large Teddy van Jerry}

\chead{MIT 6.042J Lecture 6 - Matching Problems}

	{\Large Lecture 7: Matching Problems}
		Given Graph $G:(V,E)$, a \textbf{matching} is a subgraph of G where every node has edge 1.

		A matching is perfect if it has size $\dfrac{|V|}{2}$.
		The \textbf{weight} of a matching $\mathfrak{M}$ is the sum of the weights on the edges in $\mathfrak{M}$.

		A \textbf{minimum-weight matching} for graph G is a perfect matching for G with the minimum weight.

		Given a matching $\mathfrak{M}, x$ and $y$ form a \textbf{rogue couple} if they prefer each other to their mates in $\mathfrak{M}$.

		A matching is \textbf{stable} if there are no rogue couples.

	Goal: Find a perfect matching that is stable.
	\section{Stable Marriage Problem}
		\item $N$ boys and $N$ girls.
		\item Each boy has his own ranked list of all the girls.
		\item Each girl has his own ranked list of all the boys.

	Goal: Find perfect matching with no rogue couples.
	\subsection{Mating Algorithm}
	Need to show:
		\item TMA terminates (quickly)
		\item Everyone gets married
		\item No rogue couples
		\item Fairness

		TMA terminates in $\leqslant N^2+1$ days.

		(By contradiction)
		Suppose TMA does not terminate in $N^2+1$ days.
		Claim: If we don't terminate on a day, then one boy crosses a girl off his least that night.
		There are at most $N^2$ cross-outs, so there is the contradiction. 

		Everyone gets married in the end.

	Let $P = $ ``If a girl ever rejected a boy B, then G has a suitor who she prefers to be."

		$P$ is an invariant for TMA.

	\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma \ref{Lem}]
		(By induction on days)
		Base Case: Day 0: No one rejected yet, so it is vacuously true.
		Inductive Step: Assume $P$ holds at the end of Day $d$.
		Case 1: G rejected B on day $d+1$. Then there was someone better. So $P$ is true.
		Case 2: G rejects B before $d+1$. $P$ implies G holds better one than B.
		G has same or better suitor on day $d+1$. So $P$ is true.

	\begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{Thm}]
		(By contradiction)
		Assume that somebody B that is not married at end.
		$\therefore$ B was rejected by every girl.
		$\therefore$ Every girl has suitor better than B. (Lemma \ref{Lem})
		$\therefore$ Every girl has married.
		However, it is impossible.
		TMA produces a stable matching.

		Let Bob and Gail be any pair that are not married.
		Case 1:  Gail rejected Bob. Gail marries someone she thinks than Bob. (Lemma \ref{Lem}) So Gail and Bob is not rogue.
		Case 2: Gail did not reject Bob. So Gail never serenades Gail. So Gail is lower on Bob's list than Bob's wife. So Gail and Bob is not rogue.
		$\therefore$ TMA is stable.

		TMA favors boys.

	Let $S = $ ``set of all stable matchings". $S \neq \varnothing$.
	For each person $P$, we define the realm of possibility for $P$ to be $\left\{Q|\exists \mathfrak{M}\in S, \{P,Q\}\in\mathfrak{M}\right\}$
		A person's optimal mate is his/her favorite from the realm of possibility.

		A person's pessimal mate is his/her least favorite from the realm of possibility.

		TMA marries every boy to his optimal mate.

		TMA marries every girl to her pessimal mate.

	Assume Theorem \ref{THM_1} to be true, now prove Theorem \ref{THM_2}.
		(By contradiction)
		Suppose that $\exists$ stable matching $\mathfrak{M}$ where $\exists$ girl G who fares worse than in TMA.
		Let $B'$ be the mate of $G$ in $\mathfrak{M}$.
		Let $B$ be the mate of $G$ in TMA.
		Let $G$ be the mate of $G'$ in TMA.
		However, according to Theorem \ref{THM_1}, $B$ loves $G$ better and $G$ loves $B$ better, so $B$ and $G$ is a rogue couple.
		$\therefore \mathfrak{M}$ is not stable.
	This note is written in \LaTeX.
	\LaTeX\ code in my blog: \url{https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_50012998/article/details/113818419}\\
	The webpage of the video: \url{https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zt411M7D2?p=7}

% Copyright 2021 Teddy van Jerry

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2021 Teddy van Jerry

See also

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来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_50012998/article/details/113818419

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