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2021-02-06 13:04:01  阅读:278  来源: 互联网

标签:SSE4 Intel 4.2 taxonomy SSE4.2 理解 SIMD Flynn

  • Overview

    From ClickHouse, you can check if current CPU has support for SSE 4.2:

    $ grep -q sse4.2 /proc/cpuinfor && echo "SSE 4.2 supported" || echo "SSE 4.2 not supported"
  • SSE4

    SSE4 (Streaming SIMD Extensions 4) is a SIMD CPU instruction set used in the Intel Core microarchitecture and AMD K10 (K8L).

    It was announced on September 27, 2006, at the Fall 2006 Intel Developer Forum, with vague details in a white paper.

    • Intel SSE4 consists of 54 instructions.

    • A subset consisting of 47 instructions, referred to as SSE4.1 in some Intel documentation, is avaiable in Penryn.

    • SSE4.2, a second subset consisting of the 7 remaining instructions.

  • SIMD

    Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) is a class of parallel computers in Flynn’s taxonomy.

  • Flynn’s taxonomy

    Flynn’s taxonomy is a classification of computer architectures, proposed by Michael J. Flynn in 1966.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/The_Time_Runner/article/details/113721462

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