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2021-01-12 09:01:04  阅读:212  来源: 互联网

标签:me about 12 much but said 2021 know

  I made a sad dream again, nearly cry from the dream.

  The pressure.

  I want to be nice to everyone, but finally, i got hurt.

  Like my father said last time, he didn't know why i cried, you were supposed to be happy. I smiled, said,  you would hardly understand me because you're not me. He said, you should not talk about this anymore. I felt a litttle sick.

  Probalbly all of us are too greedy.

  Or probably, we shouldn't use that bad words to describe ourselves. People probably should give up something. Probably.

  I thought too much about now and future, the things about life.

  You thought I know nothing, but I completely know all.

  I know the similarities, but also know the differences.

  I could not tell wherether it is well to think so much or talk so much.

  There are still many words i don't say. Probably it is uncessary. Because there is no chance.

  Yesterday, Microsoft called me, something about the intern, I said, you missed it.

  The people who lack courage is not me.

  Many things I did for the first time, but you thought nothing in your eyes.

  Annoyed but helpless.

  I made decisons, but they all have reasons.

  There would be no much time.

  I already know it.

  There's future.




来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/qiezi-online/p/14265288.html

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