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2020-11-26 08:32:09  阅读:394  来源: 互联网

标签:use 封装 implementation tcp server mormot2 SockIn class




/// Fast low-level Socket implementation
// - direct access to the OS (Windows, Linux) network layer API
// - use Open constructor to create a client to be connected to a server
// - use Bind constructor to initialize a server
// - use SockIn and SockOut (after CreateSock*) to read/readln or write/writeln
// as with standard Delphi text files (see SendEmail implementation)
// - even if you do not use read(SockIn^), you may call CreateSockIn then
// read the (binary) content via SockInRead/SockInPending methods, which would
// benefit of the SockIn^ input buffer to maximize reading speed
// - to write data, CreateSockOut and write(SockOut^) is not mandatory: you
// rather may use SockSend() overloaded methods, followed by a SockFlush call
// - in fact, you can decide whatever to use none, one or both SockIn/SockOut
// - since this class rely on its internal optimized buffering system,
// TCP_NODELAY is set to disable the Nagle algorithm
// - our classes are (much) faster than the Indy or Synapse implementation
TCrtSocket = class



/// implements a thread-pooled high-performance TCP server
// - will use a TAsynchConnection inherited class to maintain connection state
// for server process
TAsynchServer = class(TAsynchConnections)


/// implements thread-pooled high-performance TCP multiple clients
// - e.g. to run some load stress tests with optimized resource use
// - will use a TAsynchConnection inherited class to maintain connection state
// of each connected client
TAsynchClient = class(TAsynchConnections)


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/hnxxcxg/p/14040297.html

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