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2020-08-14 16:31:50  阅读:280  来源: 互联网

标签:financial students 是否 留学 their cost 议论文 留学生

       As decent education continues to gain importance , more Chinese families are considering sending their children abroad. Oversna 

      In my opinion, those challenges can be divided into two categories: financial and psychological. The cost of living in most developed countries is multiple times higher than in China . Tuition and other costs combined, a four-year education in a Western country can easily cost up to one million RMB. How to recover that investment is constantly on the students' minds. Apart from the financial pressure , many students find it tough to communicate and socialize because of language and cultural barriers . Moreover , compared with their Chinese counterparts , foreign universities challenge their students with heavier possibility. To make things worse, with no family to lean on , overseas students have to tackle these problems alone.

    As you can see , studying abroad is notan easy journey. But I still believe the gains outweigh the costs,do you?




来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/liuyi0106/p/13502942.html

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