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2020-06-17 23:54:03  阅读:289  来源: 互联网

标签:audit 07 04 2019 CVE arch


1. arch-audit -h
2. Use
3. Pacaudit(AUR)

1. arch-audit -h

$ arch-audit -h USAGE: arch-audit [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]  
DESCRIPTION: A utility like pkg-audit for Arch Linux. Based on Arch Security Team data (read more at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Security_Team). 诸如pkg-audit的实用程序, 用于Arch Linux. 基于Arch安全团队数据
-h, --help Prints help information. 打印帮助信息。
-q, --quiet Show only vulnerable package names and their versions. Set twice to hide the version also. 仅显示易受攻击的软件包名及版本. 设置两次以隐藏版本。
-r, --recursive Prints packages that depend on vulnerable packages and are thus potentially vulnerable as well. Set twice to show the packages that require them as well. Set three times to show ALL the packages that requires them. 打印依赖于易受攻击软件包的软件包, 因此也可能受到攻击。
-t, --show-testing Show packages which are in the [testing] repos. See https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Official_repositories#Testing_repositories 显示在[测试]仓库中的软件包。
-u, --upgradable Show only packages that have already been fixed. 仅显示已修复的软件包。
-V, --version Prints version information. 打印版本信息。
-b, --dbpath <dbpath> Set an alternate database location. Defaults to /var/lib/pacman 设置备用数据库位置. 默认为 /var/lib/pacman
-C, --color <when> Colorize the output; it can be always, auto(default), or never 着色输出; 它可以始终, 自动(默认)或从不
-f, --format <format> Specify a format to control the output. Placeholders are %n (pkgname), %c (CVEs) and %v (fixed version) and %r (required by) which is only evaluated when -r is also set. 指定一种格式来控制输出. 占位符为%n(pkgname), %c(CVE)和%v(固定版本)和%r(要求), 仅在还设置了-r时才进行占位。

2. Use

$ arch-audit -r  //[-t, -q, -u], 查看当前系统如下, -u参数无输出:

$ arch-audit -r ( -t, -q ) $ arch-audit -r -r ( -t )
Package ffmpeg is affected by CVE-2020-13904. It's required by chromium, firefox, guvcview-common, vlc. High risk!
Package imagemagick is affected by CVE-2020-13902. It's required by cups-filters. Medium risk!
Package inetutils is affected by CVE-2019-0053. It's required by xorg-xinit. High risk!
Package json-c is affected by CVE-2020-12762. It's required by cryptsetup, libmypaint, ndctl, netdata, psensor. High risk!
Package libupnp is affected by CVE-2020-13848. It's required by amule, vlc. Medium risk!
Package sqlite is affected by CVE-2020-13871. It's required by aria2, colord, elfutils, gnupg, libsoup, nss, python2, qt5-base. High risk!
Package unzip is affected by CVE-2018-1000035. It's required by bookworm. Low risk!

$ paclog |grep imagemagick
$ paclog |grep "installed imagemagick" -C 7
[2019-04-06 23:55] [ALPM] running 'xorg-mkfontscale.hook'...
[2019-04-07 17:05] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S cups'
[2019-04-07 17:07] [ALPM] transaction started
[2019-04-07 17:07] [ALPM] installed qpdf (8.4.0-1)
[2019-04-07 17:07] [ALPM] installed liblqr (0.4.2-2)
[2019-04-07 17:07] [ALPM] installed libraqm (0.5.0-1)
[2019-04-07 17:07] [ALPM] installed libmagick (
[2019-04-07 17:07] [ALPM] installed imagemagick (

3. Pacaudit(AUR)

pacaudit根据 https://security.archlinux.org 上 列出的已知漏洞审核Arch Linux上已安装的软件包。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/sztom/p/13155369.html

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