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Assignment Outerspace(1960)

2020-06-05 21:05:35  阅读:792  来源: 互联网

标签:me them name Assignment 1960 But Outerspace re like

w: Are you addressing me?

m: yes, but you're a...

w: ... go on.

m: you are girl and you're selling flowers too.

w: they are no flowers here. There are diaspora.

m: Even with a name like that, they're flowers.

w: They serve the purpose of changing hydrogen into the breathable oxygen. And they're necessary here as the air is on earth.

m: But I still say they're flowers.

w: If you like.

m: Do you sell them.

w: I'm afraid not.

m: But maybe we could make a deal.

w: what do you mean.

m: Oh, you see, you wouldn't have to send them anywhere.i'll pay for them. But then I'll leave them here for you. You work in the section?

w: sometimes. But I'm really a navigator. When I'm not working with the Astro compass.I like the substitue for the section chemist. But tell me why you want to ofter them for me?

m: Oh, no particular reason. Just to celebrate the second smiling face I run into. AI's was the first. Now I find you. Speaking of you. What' your name? I don't mean for your number, Serial codes... But just your name.

w: Lucy. Do you like it?

m: It's not bad. My uncle had a mascot with that name. It was quite cute. It was a monkey. I Iike it very much.

w: Thank you.

m: No, really, She was very cute. I meant it as a compliment.

w: Very flattering. Mr. Peterson.

m: Do you know my name too?

w: Of course, I've already heard about from George. You know, the commander.

m: My old friend but doesn't the commander have a number like everybody else?

w: Not for me. And now, if you forgive me. I've got work to do.


m: Yankee 13.

w:  I forget. Thank you. I really mean thanks!


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/fish-fly/p/13052285.html

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