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2020-04-29 14:38:22  阅读:782  来源: 互联网

标签:mining language intelligence artificial 复试 头大 technology data 考研


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数据挖掘(Data Mining)

In the current era of big data, the mining and analysis of massive data is particularly important. Data mining technology has been widely applied in the fields of media, finance, medical care, transportation and e-commerce.However, the complexity and diversity of big data and the particularity of the application of data mining technology in various industries have also put forward new theoretical and technical challenges in the field of data mining.

Era of big data for the data mining technology has brought more opportunities and problems, such as the big data content for more efficient data mining algorithm and the accumulation of large data more quickness requirement of real-time data mining algorithms, the complexity of the large data diversity requires more flexible data mining algorithm, the universality of big data in all walks of life to the particularity in the field of data mining algorithm, etc.,?This also presents a new demand for data mining.

人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)

From AlphaGo to unmanned driving, from speech recognition to face recognition, artificial intelligence has become one of the most important technologies in the modern era. Artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in scientific discovery, economic construction, social life and other fields.Artificial intelligence research and development has been promoted to the national strategic level. With the continuous development of information technologies such as big data, cloud computing and Internet of things, artificial intelligence research is facing new challenges in theory, method and application.

In recent years, the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology makes its application expand rapidly. However, the traditional computer architecture has many shortcomings in processing speed, energy consumption and convenience of use for the application of artificial intelligence.With the development of the application of artificial intelligence, the architecture oriented to artificial intelligence has become an important direction in the research and development of architecture.

深度学习(Deep Learning)

Deep learning has achieved a lot in search technology, data mining, machine learning, machine translation, natural language processing, multimedia learning, voice, recommendation and personalization, and other related fields.Deep learning enables machines to imitate human activities such as audiovisual and thinking, solves many complex pattern recognition problems, and makes great progress in related technologies of artificial intelligence.


The 5th generation mobile communication technology is the latest generation of cellular/ˈseljələ®/ mobile communication technology, which is also an extension of 4G , 3G and 2G systems. 5G’s performance goals are high data rates, reduced latency, energy savings, reduced costs, increased system capacity, and large-scale device connectivity.


Structured Query Language is a special purpose programming Language, a database Query and programming Language for accessing data and querying, updating, and managing relational database systems.

SQL can be divided into three functional parts: data definition, data manipulation and data control.The core of SQL is equivalent to relational algebra, but it has many features that relational algebra does not, such as aggregation, database update, and so on.It is a comprehensive, universal, and highly functional relational database language.


A compiler is a program that translates “one language (usually a high-level language)” into "another language (usually a low-level language)."Advanced computer languages are easy to write, read, communicate, and maintain.Machine language is something that a computer can read and run directly.The compiler takes an assembly or high-level computer language source program as input and translates it into the equivalent of the machine code in the target language.


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/zsheng_/article/details/105805497

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