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Keil MDK 5.17 released, ARM - CMSIS 4.5.0( 2015-11)

2020-04-01 23:57:59  阅读:1463  来源: 互联网

标签:4.5 MDK Keil CMSIS driver see Device ARM

Keil MDK 5.17 released
This update for Keil MDK-ARM extends language support to East European and Asian character sets. Added are also several new features, for example a debug driver with improved reset handling.

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bnwmUgn 密码: 

ARM - CMSIS 4.5.0
The ARM.CMSIS 4.5.0 Software Pack corrects minor issues; the RTX timing change of 4.4.0 is reverted back to original behaviour.

Version: 4.5.0 ARM.CMSIS.4.5.0.pack  Download
CMSIS-Core 4.30.0 (see revision history for details)
CMSIS-DAP 1.1.0 (unchanged)
CMSIS-Driver 2.04.0 (see revision history for details)
CMSIS-DSP 1.4.7 (no source code change [still labeled 1.4.5], see revision history for details)
CMSIS-PACK 1.4.1 (see revision history for details)
CMSIS-RTOS 4.80.0 Restored time delay parameter 'millisec' old behavior (prior V4.79) for software compatibility. (see revision history for details)
CMSIS-SVD 1.3.1 (see revision history for details)

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0hXJna 密码:

STMicroelectronics STM32F1 Series Device Support, Drivers and Example
Version: 2.0.0 Keil.STM32F1xx_DFP.2.0.0.pack  Download
Requires MDK-Middleware Version 6.5.0 and CMSIS Version 4.4.0
Updated CMSIS-Drivers
CMSIS-Driver API V2.0 compliant
Added CMSIS-Driver for CAN
Updated Examples:
Updated Board Support and all examples for MCBSTM32C and MCBSTM32E
Added examples for CAN

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJMmQL1 密码: 

STMicroelectronics STM32F4 Series Device Support, Drivers and Examples
Version: 2.6.0 Keil.STM32F4xx_DFP.2.6.0.pack  Download
Updated STMicroelectronics STM32CubeF4 Firmware Package to Version 1.8.0 adding device support for:
STM32F410, STM32F469 and STM32F479 subfamilies
Introducing MDK-ARM configuration via STM32CubeMX:
see documentation for component Device:STM32CubeFramework:STM32CubeMX
CMSIS driver:
added CAN driver and configuration options in RTE_Device.h
updated EMAC driver: corrected lockup after long runtime
updated MCI driver: optimized Interrupt handler and corrected clock divider bypass handling
updated SPI driver: added support for STM32F410xx devices
updated USART driver:added support for STM32F410xx devices and corrected driver incorrectly stopped receiving data when calling the USART_Receive function while the receiver is busy
update I2C driver: added support for STM32F410xx devices and corrected 3 byte reception and POS bit handling in master mode as well as corrected acknowledge handling in slave mode
MDK example projects:
added examples created using MDK and STM32CubeMX: Blinky and emWin GUI_VNC for Keil MCBSTM32F400
added CAN Data and RTR projects for Keil MCBSTM32F400
updated FTP_Server example: Heap memory increased
updated LCD configuration for STM32F429I-Discovery Kit (performance improvements and corrections for multi-layer)

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJAb9qj 密码:

STMicroelectronics STM32F7 Series Device Support, Drivers and Examples
Version: 2.3.0 Keil.STM32F7xx_DFP.2.3.0.pack  Download
MDK-ARM configuration via STM32CubeMX:
Updated MX_Device.h generation: pin names characters '/', '-', ' ' converted to '_'
Added Flash Programming Algorithm for external Flash on 32F746G-DISCOVERY board
Added CMSIS Driver for CAN
Extended RTE_Device.h
Added Examples CAN Data and CAN RTR for STMicroelectronics STM32756G-EVAL Board
Updated CMSIS drivers:
all: Corrected PowerControl function for Unconditional Power Off
EMAC: Corrected return value of the ReadFrame function
I2C: Corrected setting of own address
MCI: Removed clock power save bit handling from ARM_MCI_BUS_SPEED control
USB Device: Updated procedure for IN Endpoint FIFO flush
USB Host: Corrected multiple packet sending and PING functionality
SPI: Corrected 8bit/16bit Data register access, regarding the Data frame size
SPI: Corrected pin configuration (for RTE_SPI2_NSS_PIN and MX_SPI3_MOSI_Pin) in SPI_STM32F7xx.h
Updated emWin GUIDemo examples (added MPU configuration)

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDFLDEL 密码:

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yilangUAV/p/12616897.html

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