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Assembling SIA

2020-02-25 18:58:24  阅读:336  来源: 互联网

标签:Assembling assembly format Step SIA opcode bits

Assembling SIA

Assembling SIA is similar to assembling other assembly languages. With SIA, almost every instruction is aligned with a 4 bit nibble, so all assembly should be presented in hexadecimal.
Step 1: Determine the opcode. Use the SIA documentation to find the opcode. Note that these are in decimal; convert to hexadecimal. That will be the first “digit” of the first byte.
Step 2: Find the format. The SIA documentation lists the format for an instruction. For example, add uses the “3R” format. Find the “3R” section of the document.
Assembling SIA 代写Step 3: Determine the remaining portions of the hexadecimal. This depends on the opcode. Make sure to note instructions that require 32 bits instead of 16 bits (jump and branches).

add R3 R7 R12
Step1: add (opcode 1)
Step 2: Instruction format: 3R
Step 3:
4 bits 4 bits 4 bits 4 bits
OPCODE register 1 register 2 destination (register 3)
1 3 7 C
Thus, the complete assembly is 13 7C

jump 48
Step 1: Jump (opcode 7)
Step 2: Instruction format br2
4 bits 4 bits 8 bits
OPCODE Branch type Top 8 bits of address
Bottom 16 bits of address
Thus, the complete assembly is: 77 00 00 18
push r2
Step 1: push (opcode 10)
Step 2: Instruction format: stack
4 bits 4 bits 2 bits 6 bits
OPCODE register 00 = return, 01 = push, 10 = pop Unused (set to 0)
Thus the complete assembly is A2 40

move R2 100
Step 1: move (opcode 11)
Step 2: Instruction format: Move
4 bits 4 bits 8 bits
OPCODE register 1 immediate value (signed)
Thus the completed assembly is B2 64

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来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/comone/p/12363147.html

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