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2020-02-22 13:02:35  阅读:160  来源: 互联网

标签:SpringBoot spring boot springframework org data starter


<!-- 核心启动器, 包括auto-configuration、logging and YAML -->
<!-- building web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC.
   Uses Tomcat as the default embedded container -->
<!-- Aop, with Spring AOP and AspectJ -->
<!-- using Spring Batch -->
<!-- using Spring cache -->
<!-- using Spring Data JDBC -->
<!-- using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate -->
<!-- using Elasticsearch search and analytics engine and Spring Data Elasticsearch -->
<!-- using MongoDB document-oriented database and Spring Data MongoDB -->
<!-- using MongoDB document-oriented database and Spring Data MongoDB Reactive -->
<!-- using Redis key-value data store with Spring Data Redis and the Lettuce client -->
<!--  exposing Spring Data repositories over REST using Spring Data REST -->
<!-- using the Apache Solr search platform with Spring Data Solr -->
<!-- using JDBC with the HikariCP connection pool -->
<!-- reading and writing json -->
<!-- using Java Mail and Spring Framework’s email sending support -->
<!-- using the Quartz scheduler -->
<!-- using Spring Security -->
<!-- using Spring Integration -->
<!-- using Java Bean Validation with Hibernate Validator -->
<!-- testing Spring Boot applications with libraries including JUnit, Hamcrest and Mockito -->

<!-- ActiveMQ,  JMS messaging using Apache ActiveMQ -->
<!-- using Spring AMQP and Rabbit MQ -->
<!-- JMS messaging using Apache Artemis -->
<!-- using Spring Cloud Connectors which simplifies connecting to services
in cloud platforms like Cloud Foundry and Heroku -->
<!-- using Cassandra distributed database and Spring Data Cassandra -->
<!--  using Cassandra distributed database and Spring Data Cassandra Reactive -->
<!-- using Couchbase document-oriented database and Spring Data Couchbase -->
<!-- using Couchbase document-oriented database and Spring Data Couchbase Reactive -->
<!-- using Spring Data LDAP -->
<!-- using Neo4j graph database and Spring Data Neo4j -->
<!-- using Redis key-value data store with Spring Data Redis reactive and the Lettuce client -->
<!-- building MVC web applications using FreeMarker views -->
<!-- building MVC web applications using Groovy Templates views -->
<!-- building hypermedia-based RESTful web application with Spring MVC and Spring HATEOAS -->
<!-- building RESTful web applications using JAX-RS and Jersey.
    An alternative to spring-boot-starter-web -->
<!-- using jOOQ to access SQL databases.
     An alternative to spring-boot-starter-data-jpa or spring-boot-starter-jdbc -->
<!--  JTA transactions using Atomikos -->
<!-- JTA transactions using Bitronix -->
<!-- building web applications using Mustache views -->
<!-- using Spring Security’s OAuth2/OpenID Connect client features -->
<!-- using Spring Security’s OAuth2 resource server features -->
<!-- building MVC web applications using Thymeleaf views -->
<!-- using Spring Web Services -->
<!-- building WebFlux applications using Spring Framework’s Reactive Web support -->
<!-- building WebSocket applications using Spring Framework’s WebSocket support -->
<!-- using Spring Boot’s Actuator which provides production ready features
    to help you monitor and manage your application -->
<!-- using Jetty as the embedded servlet container.
    另外一个可替代的是 spring-boot-starter-tomcat -->
<!-- using Log4j2 for logging. 另外一个可替代的是 spring-boot-starter-logging -->
    <artifactId> spring-boot-starter-log4j2</artifactId>
<!-- logging using Logback. Default logging starter -->
<!-- using Reactor Netty as the embedded reactive HTTP server -->
<!-- using Tomcat as the embedded servlet container.
    Default servlet container starter used by spring-boot-starter-web -->
<!-- using Undertow as the embedded servlet container.
       另外一个可替代的是spring-boot-starter-tomcat -->


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/myitnews/p/12344988.html

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