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2020-02-11 17:50:57  阅读:214  来源: 互联网

标签:常量 Int 笔记 学习 类型 let print Swift

1.Constants and Variables(常量和变量)


[Note] If a stored value in your code won’t change, always declare it as a constant with the let keyword. Use variables only for storing values that need to be able to change.

2.Type Annotations(类型注解)——不同与C语言

Write a type annotation by placing a colon(冒号) after the constant or variable name, followed by a space, followed by the name of the type to use.var/let <变量名>(:)(空格)<类型名>

var welcomeMessage: String
welcomeMessage = "Hello"

The colon in the declaration means “…of type…,” so the code above can be read as:

“Declare a variable called welcomeMessage that is of type String.”

You can define multiple related variables of the same type on a single line, separated by commas, with a single type annotation after the final variable name:

var red, green, blue: Double


3.Naming Constants and Variables(命名常量和变量)

Constant and variable names can contain almost any character, including Unicode characters:

let π = 3.14159
let 你好 = "你好世界"

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/lvhang/p/12295942.html

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