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外文投稿时应该如何填写有关Social Media的问题?

2019-12-07 22:52:46  阅读:1092  来源: 互联网

标签:media 投稿 may Media Twitter Please Social article your

外文投稿时应该如何填写有关Social Media的问题?

1 *Please supply our social media editor with a "tweet" or short blurb about your article, which may or may not be used or edited at the discretion of the journal, by inserting a message here (250 character limit)

2 *Please enter the Twitter handle of you and/or your co-authors.


Social media

Did you know that JPER is on Twitter? Follow us at @JPerinatology. If your paper is accepted, we would like to promote it on Twitter, and invite you to include your social media information on the online submission form while submitting your article. Please supply our social media editor with a suggested "tweet" or short blurb about your article, which may or may not be used or edited at the discretion of the journal (250 character limit). Please also include your Twitter handle and/or the Twitter handle of your co-authors so we can tag you in relation to your article.


部分Nature集团下面的子刊需要提供 文件简介,作者的推特。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/emanlee/p/12003736.html

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