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创建Uboot 环境变量 bin 文件

2019-08-29 18:00:10  阅读:264  来源: 互联网

标签:bin uboot flash environment program env Uboot 环境变量


As we know, the bootloader stores its configuration into an area of the flash called the environment. The environment is basically stored as a sequence of null-terminated strings, with a little header containing a checksum at the beginning. Using the “printenv”, “setenv” and “saveenv” commands in U-Boot, while this environment can easily be manipulated. It is sometimes desirable to be able to generate a binary image of an environment that can be directly flashed next to the bootloader, kernel and root filesystem into the device’s flash memory.

In order to modify the U-Boot environment variables from user space, the program called “mkenvimage” is needed, this program can be generated from the U-Boot sources, follow the instructions in the tools/env/README file.

make env

This will get the program “mkenvimage”, the program is executed in host computer, not the target board. The text file “uboot-env.txt” describing the environment is needed like:

bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 bootcmd=tftp 22000000 Image [...]

Then use mkenvimage as follows:

./mkenvimage -s 0x40000 -o uboot-env.bin uboot-env.txt

The -s option allows to specify the size of the image to create. It must match the size of the flash area reserved for the U-Boot environment.

Before using the new uboot-env.bin, the old bin file should be restored by the following commands:

dd if=/dev/mtd7 of=uboot-env.bin

Then, flashing the new bin file in /dev/mtd7 by the following commands:


flash_eraseall /dev/mtd7 flashcp uboot-env.bin /dev/mtd7

Or, the Lauterbach Debugger is also a good tool to flash the Hyper-Flash.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/hutiann/p/11431185.html

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