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lecture 7

2019-08-16 13:02:07  阅读:271  来源: 互联网

标签:function 0.5 Algebraic membership 参数 Fuzzy lecture

Fuzzy logic

  1. Fuzzy logic: a computational approach centered on the idea of ‘degrees of truth’ rather than the black/white true or false approach of most systems.
  2. Fuzzy membership function: permit individuals to be partial members of different, overlapping sets( crossover point: the point where the grade of membership is 0.5 )

Left sigmoidal: 需要两个参数,表示下降

Sigmoidal or triangular function:需要三个参数,表示大概


Right trapezoidal function:需要两个参数,表示增加

  1. Fuzzy operators:

And: The output map is controlled by the smallest fuzzy membership value at each location.


Or: Output membership is controlled by the maximum value of input maps


Fuzzy Algebraic Product: output总是小于等于最小的FM,所有FM的值都参与


Fuzzy Algebraic Sum: sum of 0.75, 0.5 = 1-(1-0.75)*(1-0.5) = 0.875,结果总是比最大的还大

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/eleni/p/11363199.html

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