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2019-08-01 21:03:10  阅读:252  来源: 互联网

标签:%. False day0203 2f time print input



1.for i in range() --->用于设置for循环的迭代设置。
ranage 也是一个前闭后开的。

2.random.randrange() --->随机产生给予范围之内的随机数字


1.python的缺点 精度丢失



#密码包含大小写和数字 username = input('请输入用户名:') password = input('请输入密码:') A ='qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm' B ='QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM' C ='1234567890' count1,count2,count3 = False,False,False for i in password:   if i in A :   count1 = True   if i in B :   count2 = True   if i in C :   count3 = True if count1 and count2 and count3 :   print('注册成功') else :   print('密码必须含有大写,小写和数字')


#输入两个数字进行加减乘除 num1,num2 = map(float,input('请输入Num1和Num2:').split(',')) choose_method = input('Choose Method:[+,-,*,/]')   if choose_method in '+-*/':     if choose_method == '+':       print('%.2f + %.2f = %.2f'%(num1,num2,num1+num2))     elif choose_method == '-':       print('%.2f - %.2f = %.2f'%(num1,num2,num1-num2))     elif choose_method == '*':       print('%.2f * %.2f = %.2f'%(num1,num2,num1*num2))   elif choose_method == '/': print('%.2f / %.2f = %.2f'%(num1,num2,num1/num2))     else:     #抛出错误     raise KeyError('Only choose [+,-,*,/]')  



#三次输入错误密码锁死 passs = 123456   for i in range(3):     password = int(input('请输入密码:'))     if password == passs :       print('登录成功')       break     else:       print('请重试')   else:     print('您已三次输入密码错误,锁死')



#随机生成四位数字验证码 import random yanzhengma = random.randrange(1000,9999) print(yanzhengma)   5.例5 #简易购物车 def Check_Goods(g):   G = ['汽车','火车','飞机']   if g in G:     Address()   else:     return False def Check_Information(name,phone,addr):   is_Ok = True   if name == "" or name == "":     is_Ok = False   if len(phone) != 11 :     is_Ok = False   if addr not in ['北京','山东']:     is_Ok = False   return is_Ok
def Address():   name = input('请输入姓名:')   phone = input('请输入电话:')   addr = input('请输入地址:')   res = Check_Information(name,phone,addr)   if res:     Note()   return False def Note():   print('马上发货') def Start():   print('欢迎光临')   g = input('商品:')   Check_Goods(g) Start()




def Users():   users_ = input('请输入用户名:')   Z = '123456789'   N = 'QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'   T = '~!@#$%^&*()'   is_Z = False   is_N = False   is_T = True   for i in users_:   #先检测字母     if i in Z :       is_Z = True #检测数字     if i in N :       is_N = True     if i in T:       is_T = False    if is_Z and is_N and is_T:     password()    else:     print('密码必须由数字和字母组成,且不能有特殊字符')
def password():   passwd = input('请输入密码:')   if len(passwd) >= 6:     phone()   else:     print('密码必须大于6位,请重试') def phone():   import re   compile = re.compile('str')   compile.search   compile.findall     pho = input('请输入手机号:')   if len(pho) == 11:     verify()   else:     print('手机号输入错误,请重试')   global_count = 0 def verify(): #声明变量是全局的   global global_count   import random   import time   yanzhengma = random.randrange(1000,9999)   global_count +=1   start_time = time.time()   print('向您手机发送的验证码为: %d'%yanzhengma)   veri = int(input('请输入验证码:'))     end_time = time.time()   sub_time = end_time - start_time     if sub_time > 2:   if global_count>2:     print('请稍后重试。')     exit()   print('验证码超时,即将重新发送')   time.sleep(2)   verify()
  else:     if yanzhengma == veri:       print('注册成功')     else:       print('验证码错误,请重试')       time.sleep(2)       verify() def Start():   print('请注册:')   Users()   Start()



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/wqs-Time/p/11285296.html

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