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CRM 2011 OData Query Designer

2019-07-27 23:44:02  阅读:282  来源: 互联网

标签:www Designer http 2011 OData https Query com CRM




Release Notes

The CRM 2011 OData Query Designer is a Silverlight 4 application that is packaged as a Managed CRM 2011 Solution. This tool allows you to build OData queries by selecting filter criteria, select attributes and order by attributes. The tool also allows you to Execute the query and view the ATOM and JSON data returned.

The look and feel of this component will improve and new functionality will be added in the near future so please provide feedback on your experience.

Latest Update 8th March 2011
1. Added dropdown list of available OptionSet values for a filter when of type OptionSet, Boolean, Status and State.
2. Attribute lists now show the UserLocalizedLabel Display Name instead of Schema Name.
3. Resolved issues with some attribute types not generating correctly when used in a filter.

Import this solution into CRM 2011 and you will see a new menu option within the Settings Area under Customization.

There are 3 items in the solution

1. A Silverlight application
2. A html webpage that hosts the Silverlight application
3. An update to Sitemap to set the menu option 'OData Query Designer' to be visible under Settings->Customizarion

Note This release is currently in Beta so please provide feedback in the discussion area for any areas of improvement.


Rhett Clinton MVP
My Blog http://bingsoft.wordpress.com

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来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30625691/article/details/97570594

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