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2019-07-02 19:50:09  阅读:286  来源: 互联网

标签:1.0 AMQP messages credit command PR2 nodes message


bare message:发送端发送的消息。

annotated message:接收端接收的消息。

A Node is a named source and/or sink of Messages

Links may be “destructive”, or “non-destructive”.

Links may have entry criteria (Filters)。

Duplicate deliveries should be discarded.

If the node at either end of the link is deleted, so is the link itself.



A link with no credit is impassable.

Sending a message irrevocably consumes the credit.

Receivers of messages can add or remove multiple units of credit at any time.

Credit is used to ensure that nodes do not receive more messages than they can physically store.



Nodes within the AMQP network exist within Containers.

A container is a physical or logical process to which network connections can be established.



A Session is a named interaction between two containers providing for a pair of reliable ordered command streams (one in each direction).


Containers and Sessions form an underlay network, nodes and links an overlay network atop them.




Sessions are a transport for commands.

Commands are the atomic units of work of the AMQP transport protocol.

Commands are used to create links between nodes in the source and destination containers, to transfer message data, and to issue and revoke credit.

Should a command fail for some reason, then the sender of the command will be notified as to the last successfully executed command.

No command after the failed command will be executed.



The AMQP specification defines a transactional container as one that is capable of performing addition/removal of multiple messages to/from nodes in a single atomic action.

In any given session, at most one peer may act as the transactional container. The other peer is the transaction controller.

The transaction mode is controlled at the session level, set at the time of session creation, and cannot thereafter be modified.

Container, controller. coordinator

Only the addition/removal of messages to/from nodes are affected by transactions, other state changes such as the creation or deletion of links, and the issuance of credit, are not.


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_33897722/article/details/94474052

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