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安装完Cent OS 7.3 重启后出现“4m[terminated]”

2019-07-01 18:27:39  阅读:4032  来源: 互联网

标签:terminated after reboot Cent 7.3 only something shutdown your

This is a sigterm kill initiated by a CentOS 7 reboot command after a fresh install. It is obviously a issue that needs to be patched as the image is supposed to reboot not halt. Probably has something to do with the reboot or shutdown command that is not interpreted correctly. Basically the machine halts in stead of shutting down and rebooting, something similar to 'reboot -h 0'. Seems to be related to CentOS 7 only from what I can tell. For now best to just ignore methinks. To answer your question: no a sigterm 'information only' aka 'FYI' error at shutdown/reboot will not harm your OS or data in any way.




来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_34591366/article/details/94401564

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