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Summer Schedule

2019-06-16 16:02:01  阅读:283  来源: 互联网

标签:Summer myself Schedule write something English my

前言  Foreword

Let me tell something about myself and this Summer Holiday.

The Summer Holidays is coming , and I want to write something to record my struggle of the NOIP 2019.

NOIP2019 must be the last time I set my foot on my dreams, and it must be the last chance I could prove myself.

This Summer ,I will try my best to learn something new and write something I have learned in English or Chinese.

It maybe difficult to write such a Solution in English, but it's also a good chance to develop my English speaking and writing.

(1)  计划 Plan

    • Finish learning of "Algorithm advanced guide" and also finishes all the exercise in the book. 
    • Take part in the contest of Div 2 in Codefroces , and rise ratings to 2000.
    • Take part in the contest in Comet OJ and correct the Problem.
    • Writing something about wonderful ideas in my blogs in English and Chinese to develop myself.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/ljc20020730/p/11031768.html

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