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2019-06-08 10:44:15  阅读:230  来源: 互联网

标签:表格 Chinese 样式 常见 tr Victoria tb1 td first





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                    <td width="50">序列</td>
                    <td width="50"> 操作</td>
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                    <td>Achievement:After a 12-year wait, China's Women's Volleyball Team re-gained its spot on top of
                        dias, winning gold at the 2016 Summer Olympics. The team are now regarded as national heroes,
                        proudly carrying the flag of China's Olympic glory that first flew 30 years ago.</td>


                    <td>Achievement:As the first Chinese model to walk the Victoria's Secret runway and the first Asian
                        model to make Forbes magazine's annual highest-paid models list, Liu has led three other Chinese
                        girls to the 2016 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, bringing a wave of Chinese chic to the fashion

                    <td>Achievement:As the first Chinese model to walk the Victoria's Secret runway and the first Asian
                        model to make Forbes magazine's annual highest-paid models list, Liu has led three other Chinese
                        girls to the 2016 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, bringing a wave of Chinese chic to the fashion






来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/DZzzz/p/10989011.html

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