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2019-05-26 09:48:57  阅读:237  来源: 互联网

标签:Exchange money 交换 eschaunge 单词 兑换 another

Exchange of one person or thing for another; reciprocal giving and receiving: (a) of prisoners of war; (b) of properties. Exchange of one kind or denomination of money for another; conversion of one kind of money into another for profit; an act of money-changing; the trade or authority of money-changing; (b) letter of eschaunge, a letter of credit. Exchange of goods, merchandise, or the like, by way of barter or sale; traffic in commodities of value; maken eschaunge(s; (b) fig. a bargain or agreement. Interchange; (b) replacement of one thing by another; substitution. Change, mutability; (b) transmutation. eschaunge  Eschaunge是一个外文单词,名词译为交易所,交易,交换,兑换(率),动词译为兑换, 交换,互换,交换,调换。是Exchange的替代形式 中文名:交易所,交易,交换 外文名:Eschaunge 目录 释义 Eschaunge 与exchange同义,现在多用于Exchange代替 n.交换; 交易所; 交易; 兑换(率) vt.兑换; 交换,互换; 交换,调换 vi.交换,替换; 进行易货贸易,作物物交换; [金融业](货币)交换,兑换 参考资料1. eschaunge .维基词典[引用日期2019-02-24]

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/myenglish/p/10925163.html

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