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[Typescript] Type Guard: is & assert

2022-08-03 13:31:59  阅读:177  来源: 互联网

标签:CarLike Typescript string valueToTest assert Guard typeof && type

value is Foo

The first kind of user-defined type guard we will review is an is type guard. It is perfectly suited for our example above because it’s meant to work in cooperation with a control flow statement of some sort, to indicate that different branches of the “flow” will be taken based on an evaluation of valueToTest’s type. Pay very close attention to isCarLike’s return type

interface CarLike {
  make: string
  model: string
  year: number
let maybeCar: unknown
// the guard
function isCarLike(
  valueToTest: any // should be flexable
): valueToTest is CarLike {
  return (
    valueToTest &&
    typeof valueToTest === "object" &&
    "make" in valueToTest &&
    typeof valueToTest["make"] === "string" &&
    "model" in valueToTest &&
    typeof valueToTest["model"] === "string" &&
    "year" in valueToTest &&
    typeof valueToTest["year"] === "number"
// using the guard
if (isCarLike(maybeCar)) {
  maybeCar // CarLike


asserts value is Foo

There is another approach we could take that eliminates the need for a conditional. Pay very close attention to assertsIsCarLike’s return type:

interface CarLike {
  make: string
  model: string
  year: number
let maybeCar: unknown
// the guard
function assertsIsCarLike(
  valueToTest: any
): asserts valueToTest is CarLike {
  if (
      valueToTest &&
      typeof valueToTest === "object" &&
      "make" in valueToTest &&
      typeof valueToTest["make"] === "string" &&
      "model" in valueToTest &&
      typeof valueToTest["model"] === "string" &&
      "year" in valueToTest &&
      typeof valueToTest["year"] === "number"
    throw new Error(
      `Value does not appear to be a CarLike${valueToTest}`

maybeCar // unknown
maybeCar // CarLike


Conceptually, what’s going on behind the scenes is very similar. By using this special syntax to describe the return type, we are informing TypeScript that if assertsIsCarLike throws an error, it should be taken as an indication that the valueToTest is NOT type-equivalent to CarLike.

Therefore, if we get past the assertion and keep executing code on the next line, the type changes from unknown to CarLike.


Writing high-quality guards

Type guards can be thought of as part of the “glue” that connects compile-time type-checking with the execution of your program at runtime. It’s of great importance that these are designed well, as TypeScript will take you at your word when you make a claim about what the return value (or throw/no-throw behavior) indicates.

Let’s look at a bad example of a type guard:

function isNull(val: any): val is null {
  return !val
const empty = ""
const zero = 0
if (isNull(zero)) {
  console.log(zero) // is it really impossible to get here?
function isNull(val: any): val is null {
  return !val
const empty = ""
const zero = 0
if (isNull(zero)) {
  console.log(zero) // is it really impossible to get here?
const zero: never
if (isNull(empty)) {
  console.log(empty) // is it really impossible to get here?


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/16546708.html

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